Page 161 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 161
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 159
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Total rM’000 112,105 4,855 (1,121) (532) (29) 115,278 50,965 3,077 (210) (12) 53,820 233 - 233 61,225
Work-in- progress rM’000 847 3,988 (1,121) (322) - 3,392 - - - - - 233 - 233 3,159
686 - (142) (29) (142) (12) - - -
Computers rM’000 11,760 12,275 9,246 1,431 10,523 1,752
Furniture, electrical, fittings and equipment rM’000 4,810 9 - (10) - 4,809 4,610 60 (10) - 4,660 - - - 149
Motor vehicles rM’000 528 519 521 514
- - (9) - 2 (9) - - - - 5
Renovation and improvements rM’000 29,998 64 - - - 30,062 26,691 838 - - 27,529 - - - 2,533
- (49) - 86 (49) - - - -
Office equipment rM’000 1,162 108 1,221 987 1,024 197
Building rM’000 33,000 33,000 8,910 9,570 23,430
- - - - 660 - - - - -
Freehold land rM’000 30,000 - - - - 30,000 - - - - - - - - 30,000
ProPErTy AND EquIPMENT Group and Bank At 1 January 2023 Transfer to intangible Asset written-off At 31 December 2023 depreciation At 1 January 2023 Charged for the year Asset written-off At 31 December 2023 impairment At 1 January 2023 Charged for the year At 31 December 2023 Carrying amount At 31 December 2023
17. Cost Additions assets Disposals Accumulated Disposals Accumulated