Page 169 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 169
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 167
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
Movements in the provisions for commitments and contingencies are as follows:
Stage 2 Stage 3
Stage 1 Lifetime ECL Lifetime
12-month not credit ECL credit
ECL impaired impaired Total ECL
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
At 1 January 2022 17,427 19,238 28,211 64,876
Transferred to Stage 1 (Note 34) 11,533 (11,533) - -
Transferred to Stage 2 (Note 34) (14) 14 -
Transferred to Stage 3 (Note 34) - (51) 51 -
Financial assets derecognised (15,103) (3,200) - (18,303)
Changes due to changes in credit risk (Note 34) 3,793 (3,132) - 661
Modification to contractual cash flows
of financial assets (Note 34) - 150 - 150
(Writeback)/Allowance during the year (Note 34) (3,364) 272 158 (2,934)
Exchange differences - - 1,524 1,524
At 31 December 2022/1 January 2023 14,272 1,758 29,944 45,974
Transferred to Stage 1 (Note 34) 1,201 (1,201) - -
Transferred to Stage 2 (Note 34) - - - -
Transferred to Stage 3 (Note 34) - - - -
Financial assets derecognised (5) (202) - (207)
Changes due to changes in credit risk (Note 34) 2,001 (104) - 1,897
Modification to contractual cash flows
of financial assets (Note 34) - - - -
(Writeback)/Allowance during the year (Note 34) 12 - (4,760) (4,748)
Exchange differences - - 1,496 1,496
At 31 December 2023 17,481 251 26,680 44,412
Group and Bank
2023 2022
rM’000 rM’000
Arising from:
(i) Guarantee and other fees from conventional banking activities
At 1 January 11,058 14,189
Addition during the year 3,428 2,163
Recognised in profit or loss (1,564) (5,294)
At 31 December 12,922 11,058
(ii) Guarantee and other fees from Islamic banking activities
At 1 January 3,057 3,085
Addition during the year 2,973 835
Recognised in profit or loss (1,392) (863)
At 31 December 4,638 3,057
17,560 14,115