Page 173 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 173
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 171
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
29. oThEr LoSSES
Group and Bank
2023 2022
rM’000 rM’000
Fee income from loans, advances and financing 12,779 11,585
Unrealised foreign exchange loss (103,171) (68,098)
Realised foreign exchange gain
- Financial assets at amortised cost 77,049 51,238
- Financial liabilities at FVTPL 15,682 3,474
Loss on disposal of equipment (17) (1,233)
Rental of income 18 1
Unrealised gain/(loss) on derivatives 30,108 (250,438)
(Loss)/gain on MTN/Sukuk
- Unrealised (81,886) 203,872
- Realised - (3,972)
Others (2,453) 1,170
(51,891) (52,401)
Group and Bank
2023 2022
Note rM’000 rM’000
Personnel costs (i) 56,483 42,166
Establishment related expenses (ii) 12,861 11,928
Promotion and marketing expenses (iii) 1,456 1,577
General administrative expenses (iv) 20,593 15,771
91,393 71,442
(i) Personnel costs
Group and Bank
2023 2022
rM’000 rM’000
Salaries, allowances and bonuses 41,588 31,593
Defined contribution plan 6,395 4,403
Other staff related expenses 8,500 6,170
56,483 42,166