Page 19 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
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Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 17
It has been a dynamic year for the Bank as we
worked in line with national economic plans to
financially assist small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) and other businesses to grow their export
NURBAYU KASIM CHANG In sustaining the economic growth momentum,
Acting President & Malaysia’s Budget 2023 provided an allocation of
Chief Executive Officer RM3.5 million worth of easy loans and schemes
to be disbursed by the Ministry of Investment,
Trade and Industry (MITI) through various
agencies, including EXIM Bank. The Bank allocated
RM1.0 billion worth of Exporters’ Development
Incentive Scheme (SIP2) with affordable financing
rates to catalyse export-readiness among
the business community. Further, in line with
Malaysia’s National Investment Aspirations and
New Investment Policy, the Bank unveiled the
EXIM Go-Export Financing (GEFP) programme
to provide financing that helps SMEs and
other businesses penetrate the global market
through three targeted funds - EXIM Go-Export
ACE, GreenTech and SMEXport, culminating in
RM7.68 million worth of disbursements during the
year. The specific value propositions of these funds
enable businesses to invest and grow in the areas
of export development, green technology and
supply chain ecosystem, respectively.
Through these solutions, the Bank served
33 customers in underserved sectors, of which
nine (9) are venturing into the export arena for the
first time.
Supporting the upliftment of Bumiputera
companies, EXIM Bank launched our Islamic-First
Policy, inked agreements with Etiqa General
Takaful Bhd and Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan
Perniagaan Bhd (SJPP) to strengthen financing
solutions for domestic and export-oriented
propositions, and collaborated with TERAJU
to offer subsidies. Through these efforts,
we welcomed 10 new bumiputera clients during
the year.
Towards meeting MITI’s net carbon zero goals
under the national industry masterplan, we
formalised our own journey towards enhanced
sustainability with the establishment of our own
Sustainability Framework at the end of the year.
This acts as our blueprint towards realising a more
climate friendly future.