Page 20 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
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18 A Vision to Serve Empowering Growth Management Discussion and Analysis
Contributing to a more sustainable future, we secured four (4) EMPOWERING OUR LIVING ECOSYSTEMS
green financing deals that advance national goals in the area of
clean energy and responsible waste management. Amidst our ongoing commitment to sustainability and
environmental stewardship, EXIM Bank embarked on a
transformative offsite retreat for members of the Board,
Refer to page 6 for a breakdown on the Bank’s sector exposures Shariah Committee and senior management to the Centre of
and other performance statistics
Resilient Ecosystems, in Ipoh, Perak. This unique experience,
centred around bamboo planting, is aimed at reinforcing our
dedication to eco-conscious practices and enhancing our
As of 31 December 2023:
understanding of nature’s resilience. The heart of the retreat
was the bamboo planting activity where EXIMers planted
Total outstanding loans Total loans outstanding
for term financing: for trade finance: bamboo saplings, as well as vetiver grass, witnessing firsthand
the tangible impact of these efforts on carbon sequestration.
RM4.37 RM0.44 Guided tours through the surrounding ecosystems allowed
us to observe the delicate balance of nature and appreciate
billion billion the significance of biodiversity, as well as the need for
environmentally responsible actions.
Two environmental projects also distinguished our
Total guarantees exposure: Cumulative exposure 2023 sustainability programme - the “re-Plant Project”
RM117.75 under short-term trade with UPM, which contributes to reforestation efforts to
credit insurance/takaful
stands: make a tangible and lasting impact on the environment;
million and tree planting carried out as part of the Government’s
RM0.30 “100 million Tree Planting Campaign”. These involved
the strategic planting of a number of specific trees across
billion various areas, focusing on affected regions by deforestation,
urbanisation and ecosystem degradation towards addressing
climate change. Over 30 employees participated in this
collective effort to preserve our planet for future generations.
The Bank is also mindful of our responsibility to uplift
Central to our 2023 success has been the cultivation of reciprocal communities in need. Together with our annual Ramadan
bi-relationships with our peers that have enriched our business sustainability programmes, in 2023 we have extended target
ecosystem and amplified our impact. We continue to forge a contributions to underserved communities and worked in
bilateral relationships with peer banks to lay the groundwork in partnership with other organisations, such as Mercy Mission
facilitating nation to nation trade opportunities for customers Malaysia to support vulnerable Malaysians. A total of
who seek to penetrate specific markets. RM188,930 was spent on our sustainable activities for the year.
Expanding our network, we also worked with MATRADE under Refer to Sustainability report on pages 32-49
the Malaysia Global Connect (MGC) scheme, EXIM Bank
executed other capacity building, business matching and
market access support ventures during the year by organising EMPOWERING OUR EMPLOYEES
joint events that brought together existing exporters and
potential export targets. These included an ESG Webinar, At the heart of our success lies our most valuable asset – our
an online business matching engagement between Malaysian people. Through concerted efforts to reenergise our workforce
coffee retailers and Indonesian coffee bean suppliers, and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, we have
the Malaysia – Djibouti Business Forum in collaboration with unleashed the full potential of our talented team. By rallying
WAAFI Bank that saw exporters going to Africa, and a business around a shared mission and vision, our employees have
briefing and networking session with Malaysia South-South demonstrated unparalleled dedication and resilience, driving
Association (MASSA) for Malaysian exporters with ambassadors our Bank towards new heights of excellence.
from Central Asia nations. These sessions served to foster
As our greatest partner in value delivery, we also focused on
economic ties with new markets and deeper trade relations
that could potentially lead to future business opportunities and revitalising our workforce towards higher performance delivery
market expansion for the participating entities. through a comprehensive training schedule in 2023. The sessions
focused on refining a proactive mindset, complemented with
updating knowledge, understanding and skills, team building
Refer to Specific Disclosure on Developmental Performance on activities, and inculcating adoption of the Bank’s core values.
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