Page 7 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2023
P. 7
Management Discussion and Analysis Ensuring Sustainability Commitment to Lead Upholding Accountability Financial Statements 5
Loan, Advances and Financing Exposures (RM‘000) Loan, Advances and Financing Exposures (RM‘000)
– Breakdown by Conventional and Islamic – Breakdown by Conventional and Islamic
Sectoral Portfolio of RM4,817,717 (including Region Portfolio of RM4,817,717 (including
Impaired Exposures) Impaired Exposures)
2.2% 1.9% 3.0% 1.0%
106,506 91,689 142,375 46,379 0.03%
1.8% 2.5% 1,609
3.0% 84,867 121,961 0.01%
146,250 692
3.4% 21.2% 371,254
163,739 1,022,360
4.1% 1,242,052
196,757 Conventional Conventional
66% 66%
4.7% RM3,182,347 RM3,182,347
14.9% 14.8%
0.5% 719,774 712,299
0.5% 21,940 1.0%
21,982 0.5% 0.4% 49,487
0.9% 24,026 18,682 0.3% 0.8%
41,108 15,580 1.7% 37,501
0.3% 80,343
1.0% 12,827 3.0%
49,487 145,500
1.1% 12.0% 12.3%
53,280 580,030
Islamic Islamic
5.6% 34% 34%
269,071 4.3%
RM1,635,369 205,975 RM1,635,369
10.6% 10.9%
Mining and Quarrying Professional, Scientific and
Transportation and Storage Technical Activities
Manufacturing Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing East Asia Central Asia Africa
Electricity, Gas, Steam and Accommodation and Food Service Malaysia Middle East South Asia
Air Conditioning Supply Water Supply; Sewerage, Americas Europe Oceania
Financial and Insurance/Takaful Waste Management and
Construction Remediation
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Real Estate
Repair of Motor Vehicles and Administrative and Support
Motorcycles Service