Page 149 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 149

Section 06  Financial Statements

            17.  BORROWINGS (CONT’D.)
                 Borrowings of the Group and the Bank comprise the followings: (cont’d.)

                 Term loans/Revolving credits (cont’d.)
                 (o)  Revolving US Dollar loan up to a maximum facility of USD60,000,000 (approximately RM241,020,000).
                    (2019 : USD60,000,000 (approximately RM245,580,000)).

                    The loan was obtained on 9 January 2017. Interest on loan is charged at the rate of 0.80% (2019 : 0.80%) per annum
                    above LIBOR.

                 (p)  Syndicated Term Financing Facility of USD300,000,000 (approximately RM1,205,100,000 (2019 : USD300,000,000
                    (approximately RM1,227,900,000)).
                    The loan was obtained on 5 November 2020 and repayable after a period of 4.5 years. Profit on the financing is charged
                    at 0.90% per annum above LIBOR.
                 (q)  Revolving US Dollar loan up to a maximum facility of USD20,000,000 (approximately RM80,340,000).

                    The loan was obtained on 20 October 2020. Interest on loan is charged at the rate of 0.75% (2019 : 0.80%) per annum
                    above Cost of Fund.

                 (r)  The fund from Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) amounting to RM400,000 for the purpose to provide financing to SME
                    The placement is interest-free and commence from 6 March 2020 and expire on the repayment date.

                 Medium Term Notes
                 In June 2012, the Bank established multicurrency Medium Term Notes (“MTN”) programme. The maximum principal of notes
                 that may be issued under the programme was USD1,500,000,000, which was subsequently upsized to USD3,000,000,000
                 in October 2016. Under the programme, the Bank may from time to time issue notes in series or tranches, which may be
                 denominated in USD or any other currency deemed appropriate at the time. Each series or tranche of notes may be issued in
                 various amounts and tenures, and may bear fixed or floating rate of interest.
                 Issuances made as at year end are as follows:
                 Date of issuance   Nominal value                       Tenure      Coupon rate         Fixed/Floating

                 11 July 2012       USD63 mil (equivalent to RM253 mil)   10 years   3.509%             Fixed
                 12 March 2013      HKD896 mil (equivalent to RM464 mil)   10 years   2.950%            Fixed
                 6 June 2014        USD100 mil (equivalent to RM402 mil)   15 years   4.250%            Fixed
                 20 October 2016    USD500 mil (equivalent to RM2,009 mil)   5 years   2.480%           Fixed
                 21 August 2017     EUR40 mil (equivalent to RM198 mil)   5 years   3m Euribor + 0.75%   Floating
                 7 November 2017    USD20 mil (equivalent to RM80 mil)   5 years    3m Libor + 0.85%    Floating
                 8 November 2017    USD100 mil (equivalent to RM402 mil)   5 years   3m Libor + 0.85%   Floating
                 10 November 2017   USD15 mil (equivalent to RM60 mil)   5 years    3m Libor + 0.85%    Floating
                 10 November 2017   USD25 mil (equivalent to RM100 mil)   5 years    3m Libor + 0.85%    Floating
                 28 February 2018   USD23 mil (equivalent to RM93 mil)   5 years    3m Libor + 0.85%    Floating
                 4 May 2018         USD45 mil (equivalent to RM181 mil)   5 years    3m Libor + 0.85%   Floating
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