Page 153 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 153

Section 06  Financial Statements

            21.   DEFERRED INCOME (CONT’D.)
                                                                                              Group and Bank
                                                                                      Gross   Reinsurance        Net
                                                                                     RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

                 Arising from:
                 (i)   Guarantee and fee from conventional banking activities
                    At 1 January                                                      13,046            -      13,046
                    Addition during the year                                           4,400            -       4,400
                    Recognised in profit and loss                                     (8,826)          -       (8,826)
                    At 31 December                                                     8,620           -        8,620

                 (ii)   Guarantee and fee from Islamic banking activities
                    At 1 January                                                       8,527           -        8,527
                    Addition during the year                                           2,116            -       2,116
                    Recognised in profit and loss                                     (3,699)          -       (3,699)
                    At 31 December                                                     6,944           -        6,944

                 (iii)  Premium liabilities
                    At 1 January                                                         39        4,348        4,387
                    Decrease in reserve                                               (3,256)       (286)       (3,542)
                    At 31 December                                                    (3,217)      4,062         845

                 (iv)  Takaful contribution liabilities
                    At 1 January                                                      10,634         957       11,591
                    Decrease in reserve                                               (6,619)        957       (5,662)
                    At 31 December                                                     4,015       1,914        5,929

                                                                                      16,362       5,976       22,338
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158