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            TABLE OF

               4 About this Report                                  Section 04
                                                                    TRAVERSING CHALLENGES
               5 Corporate Information
             Section 01                                              42 Our Corporate Social Responsibility Journey
             BRIDGING OPPORTUNITIES                                  48 Corporate Events

               6 5-Year Financial Highlights                        Section 05
               7 Overview of Our Business Operations                UPHOLDING ACCOUNTABILITY
                  •  Banking  Portfolio  2020
                  •  Credit  Insurance  Portfolio  2020              51 Specific Disclosure on Developmental Performance
              10 Banking and Credit Insurance by Country             53 Corporate Governance Disclosure Report
              12 Our Corporate Structure                             64 Shariah Governance Disclosure Report
                                                                     67 Statement of Risk Management
             Section 02                                              76 Statement of Internal Control
             STEERING CHANGE

                                                                    Section 06
              14 Board of Directors                                 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
              16 Directors’ Profile
              20 Shariah Committee                                   78 Financial Statements
              21 Shariah Committee Profile                           79 Directors’ Report
              24 Executive Committee                                 83 Shariah Committee’s Report
              26 Executive Committee Profile                         85 Statement by Directors

                                                                     85 Statutory Declaration
             Section 03                                              86 Independent Auditors’  Report
             CONNECTING PROSPECTS                                    92 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                                                     93 Statement of Financial Position
              30 Message from the President/Chief Executive Officer
                                                                     94 Statement of Profit and Loss
              34 Management Discussion and Analysis
                                                                     95 Statements of Comprehensive Income
                                                                     96 Statements of Changes in Equity
                                                                     97 Statements of Cash Flows
                                                                    100 Notes to the Financial Statements
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