Page 4 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 4

As the COVID-19 pandemic brought cross-border ventures to a grinding
                 halt  in  2020,  Export-Import  Bank  of  Malaysia  Berhad  (EXIM  Bank)  quickly
                 realigned priorities, focusing on bolstering support for businesses and driving
                 the  resilience  of  the  nation’s  economy.  Efforts  were  channelled  towards
                 restructuring loan repayments for our customers, facilitating moratoriums,
                 and working with the Ministry of Finance to assist the business community
                 through this difficult and challenging period.

                 Numerous  fiscal and  non-fiscal  stimulus  measures  were  introduced  by the
                 Government  during  the  year  under  the  Budget  2021  theme  of  “Resilient  As
                 One, Together  We Triumph”. Living up this theme, EXIM Bank spearheaded
                 the  National  Supply  Chain  Finance  Platform  (JanaNiaga),  which  is  focused
                 on  assisting  the  financial  position  of  Small  and  Medium  Enterprises  (SMEs)
                 that  supply  to  the  Government  or  Government-Linked  Companies  (GLCs).
                 By providing SMEs with cash flow solutions and access to affordable loans,
                 JanaNiaga will enable these businesses to survive and ready to thrive once
                 opportunities emerge.


                                  BUSINESS RESILIENCE
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