Page 32 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 32

            Annual Report 2020

                                                               PROVIDING A LIFELINE FOR BUSINESS CONTINUITY

                                                               The disruption on global socioeconomic systems rendered
                                                               2020 an infamous year for business.  The pandemic
                                                               outbreak curtailed international trade as borders were
                                                               closed and economic activities restricted to curb the
                                                               spread of the COVID-19 virus.  The unprecedented
                                                               situation led to a sharp global GDP contraction
                                                               comparable to the 1930’s Great Depression.

                                                               Malaysia’s situation was no different with our economy
                                                               contracting by a record 5.6% in 2020.  The Movement
                                                               Control Order (MCO) in March 2020, followed by renewed
                                                               restrictions between October and December last year
                                                               contributed largely to the dismal performance. The three
                                                               biggest decliners were the construction, mining and
                                                               services sectors – contracting by -19.4%, -10% and -5.5%
                                                               respectively. Numerous fiscal and non-fiscal stimulus
                                                               measures were introduced by the Government to help
                                                               businesses survive. These included the PRIHATIN package
                                                               of RM250 billion in March 2020, the PRIHATIN SME+ package
                                                               of RM10 billion in April 2020, the PENJANA package of RM35
                                                               billion in June 2020, as well as the KITA PRIHATIN package
                                                               of RM10 billion. On 6 November, a National Supply Chain
                                                               Finance Platform, dubbed ‘JanaNiaga’, was announced for
                                                               small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that supply to the
                                                               government or government-linked companies (GLCs).

                                                               Export-Import  Bank  of  Malaysia  (EXIM  Bank)  was
                                                               mandated to spearhead the JanaNiaga platform, and
                                                               this  we  are steering ably  towards  assisting  SMEs
                                                               with cash flow  issues and facilitating their loans  from
                                                               financial institutions. Through JanaNiaga, the Bank aims
                                                               to play its role in mitigating the economic impact of the
                                                               pandemic by helping SMEs build resilience, provide
                                                               employment and sustain ongoing operations through this
                                                               challenging period.



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