Page 34 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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            Annual Report 2020


          The Bank also participated  in ensuring that national  economic stimulus   DRIVING RESILIENCE
          initiatives  worth  RM250  billion,  as  announced  under  the  PRIHATIN
          programme, were well implemented.  We contributed expertise and     Within  the  first  year  of  our  Gear  Up  21
          manpower  to  the  Economic  Stimulus  Implementation  &  Coordination   transformation journey, we have established
          Unit  Between  National  Agencies  (LAKSANA),  which  was  established  on     good governance practices, laid the groundwork
          16 March under the Ministry of Finance to monitor the implementation of   towards digitalisation and are embedding cultural
          the Economic Stimulus Package 2020 (PRE2020), comprising Prihatin Rakyat   change. In the years to come, we will continue
          Economic  Stimulus  Package  (PRIHATIN)  and  National  Economic  Recovery   strengthening our foundation and improving
          Plan  (PENJANA).  Several  officers  from  the  Bank,  including  myself,  were   our efficiency by leveraging on technology to
          seconded as part of our national duty to serve at LAKSANA during this year.  streamline and automate core activities,  as
                                                                           well as putting in place the right human capital
          On the operations front, in  response  to the COVID-19 pandemic, the key   practices to develop and transform our people
          focus was the health and safety of our employees. A Staff First policy was   into a world-class digitally savvy and high
          initiated as the Bank implemented measures to ensure smooth business   performance workforce.
          continuity.  The  Bank’s  IT  infrastructure  and  facilities  were  upgraded;
          Work from Home (WFH) set-ups were unleashed to minimise the number   In our digital journey, we are strengthening the
          of  employees  in  the  office;  standard  operating  procedures  (SOPs)  of  new   security of our data through the establishment of
          business  norms  were  rolled  out  at  all  EXIM  Bank  premises;  swab  tests   the Security Operations Centre and Information
          were facilitated where necessary; and regular sanitisation of work premises     Security functions. Through these functions, we
          carried out.                                                     have developed several technology governance
                                                                           frameworks to safeguard ourselves from potential
          Doing our part to combat COVID-19, EXIM Bank made a RM1 million   cyberattacks and unauthorised access.  These
          donation to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) #responsMALAYSIA   address core security issues as the Bank embarks
          (Malaysia’s  Response)  initiative.  This  was  a  platform  for  individuals  and   on a paradigm shift towards becoming a digital
          corporate entities to contribute towards the procurement of essential   bank with online operations, accessible anywhere
          items required by frontliners, as well as drive MRCS’s community    without compromising on security.
          engagement efforts.
                                                                           On the governance front, an internal committee
          Though community engagements were reduced to mitigate health and   was established to oversee the Bank’s
          safety risks, the Bank’s commitment to communities was steadfast   governance framework to fulfill our regulatory
          through the year too, as we continued to support long-term corporate   requirements and to remove redundancies as
          social  responsibility  (CSR)  programmes  and  reaffirm  our  obligation  to  the     well as contradicting governance documents.
          UN  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (UN  SDGs).  For  one,  we   In our continuing efforts to practice good
          continue to bring festive joy to the less fortunate during the   governance, we are benchmarking the governance
          holy  month  of  Ramadan  and aid  charities,  homes  and  the  needy     framework  against  industry  standards  and
          whenever possible. Besides caring for the less fortunate in our society, the   embedding it into our daily activities.
          environment has always been a close cause to our heart. Thus, the Macaw
          Birds in Zoo Negara and Elly, our disabled rescue elephant at the National   In conjunction with the Bank’s 25th anniversary,
          Elephant Conservation Centre (NECC) in Kuala Gandah, still have our loyal   we launched new Corporate  Values of
          patronage.  We have also included animal rescue and shelter homes in   Teamwork, Efficiency, Accountability, Integrity and
          assisting them operationally during this pressing pandemic period.   Openness. This was done to transform the Bank’s
                                                                           culture as part of the Human Capital Framework
          In our drive towards encouraging more sustainable living and working   focus of Gear Up 21.
          with NGOs to realise our UN SDGs, we initiated a Fabric Care Movement
          at our office premise that was met with a resounding success. Employees      Achievements and Priorities of each Gear Up
          embraced this cause wholeheartedly and took the opportunity to recycle   21 Workstream are detailed on page 37.
          unused and unwanted fabric from their homes, which saw the first
          fabric  collection  amounting  to  427  kg  within  two  months  of  the  bin
          being  up.  We  have  extended  this  movement  beyond  the  organisation
          to include the campuses of tertiary institutions that we are engaged
          with on educational initiatives. This sustainable living initiative follows an
          e-Waste programme launched the year before and continues to be supported
          till this day.
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