Page 39 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 39

Section 03  Connecting Prospects

            Revitalisation, Stabilisation & Responsible Growth are the objectives of EXIM Bank’s Strategy 2020+. It is an integration towards achieving
            Strategy 2025, overarching a new project governance – “Gear Up 21” which forms the key to EXIM Bank’s Strategic Pillars.
            Gear Up 21 is an initiative in support of the Strategy 2020+ as a vehicle to achieve the desired outcomes for Strategy 2025. The
            initiatives are based on three (3) pillars of Balance Sheet Management, Revitalising the Business Model and Transforming People,
            Technology and Process. Underlying these pillars are eight (8) levers planned for the year onwards in achieving Strategy 2025. The
            Strategy 2025 is all about refocusing EXIM Bank to deliver value to our stakeholders.

                                               We are firmly set to deliver on our strategy

               10 desired                               Reaffi  rm our commitment  Strategic
               outcomes                                   to stakeholders  partnering
                                           Integration of Strategy                   Five (5) client-centric
               21 initiatives               2020+ & 2025 roadmap                      revenue levers

                                  Healthy balance               Governance                       capital framework
                8 levers
               3 strategic                                      Framework
                                                                                                  Enhance human
                 pillars                                       Streamlining
                                                Systems                         Human Capital
                                                & Process
                          Position to capture  Improvements                     Enhancements               Reduce complexity
                            profi  table growth
                                                                                                            with IT

                                     Balance Sheet                                         Business
                       Enlarge   capital  & Financial                                      Strategy            process with technology
                                     Restructuring              Gear Up 21               Improvements

                                                                                                                 Harmonise “end-to-end”

                                              Extend line of
                                  Optimise and   business to   Extend   Explore      People                  Process
                       Diversify                           footprint to   opportunities        Technology
                       sources of   extract value   ‘back to basic’   high growth   with other   – Create a   – Modernise   – Enhance
                     capital funding  from existing   and distinctive   and yield   peers   performance-  systems  processes to
                                    capital    customer     sectors     regionally  driven culture        drive efficiency

                       Balance Sheet Management         Revitalising Business Model    Transforming People, Technology & Process
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