Page 44 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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            Annual Report 2020



          Through  a  challenging  2020,  EXIM  Bank  strived  to  seek  new  ways  to  give  back  to   The CSR initiatives we carried out
          society by contributing to the underprivileged and positively impacting their lives.   are further aligned to the globally
          Though movement restrictions hindered the regular hosting of events and gatherings,   important  UN  SDGs,  illustrated  by  our
          the Bank was agile in adapting to new norms as we steadfastly supported the less   aspiration and commitment to working
          fortunate and drove resilience for the disadvantaged. The year saw the Bank reaching   towards the goals as described below.
          out to continue its support for chosen causes to ensure that positive outcomes were   As the custodian for all the projects
          nurtured from improving the livelihoods of the less fortunate to conserving wildlife and   we undertake, the Bank’s Corporate
          benefitting our own employees. Every CSR programme is strategically planned with   Communication Department is proud
          proper resources and objectives to ensure sustainable and impactful outcomes.   to present a summary of EXIM Bank’s
                                                                                  2020 CSR activities.

                                              IS COMMITTED TO THESE FOUR

                                              SUSTAINABILITY matters where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is concerned.
                                              EXIM Bank vigorously champions worthy causes and in 2020, the Bank perseveres to
                                              positively impact our ecosystem and environment through these four United Nations
                                              Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

                                              COME EXIMERS, SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!

                                   Aiding to eradicate     Reduce, Reuse,     Biodiversity losses   Striving to fulfil these
                                   poverty, EXIM Bank       Recycle  - This   and the illicit poaching   SDG goals, EXIM
                                  continues to embark   consideration powers      and trafficking   Bank realises we
                                      on programmes       EXIM Bank in its       of wildlife have   cannot do all of this
                                      that benefit the   various sustainable   prompted the Bank   alone. We seek and
                                        underserved.  consumption initiatives   to focus on the     forge partnerships
                                                          that will make us   protection and care   and alliances that will
                                                          efficient resource   of our wildlife as   enable us to further
                                                              consumers.     they are key to our   the causes that are
                                                                                   survival too.  close to our hearts,
                                                                                                   with the support of
                                                                                                       our EXIMers.
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