Page 45 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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Section 04  Traversing Challenges

                        COMMUNITY: EXIM Bank is committed to investing our time, expertise and resources to touch
                        lives through financial aid, material contributions and personal interaction. Keeping ourselves
                        responsive and constantly looking out to make a sustainable difference, we feel obliged to offer
                        our help and support; be it small or big to the communities we serve.


                   TO THE LESS FORTUNATE

                The holy month of Ramadan is when EXIM Bank goes all out to                            Special wudu
                give back to the community, through donations and distribution                         station built for
                of goodies, to bring festive cheer and ease the burden of the less                     the convenience
                fortunate. In 2020, the Bank visited Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah Malaysia                   of OKU residents
                (PJAFM)  in  Kajang,  to  uplift  the  living  conditions  of  the  70  senior         at PJAF.
                citizen residents of the home. The Bank’s team made a financial
                contribution, as well as helped improve the shelter’s facilities in
                preparation for Raya Aidilfitri. An OKU Wudu station was built, a water   DONATION OF EXIM’S
                pump installed and all residents received new mattress, pillows,
                as well as fresh bedding supplies.                         EXPORTING & INTERNATIONAL

                The Bank chose PJAFM as it is an old  folks’ home  that derives       TRADE BOOK
                its source of income solely through donations from corporate
                companies,  non-governmental  organisations  (NGOs),  charitable   EXIM Bank’s in-house publication on Exporting
                organisations and personal donations to sustain their monthly   & International Trade by Mr. AB Teoh provides a
                expenses. Apart from that, PJAFM’s staff also display resourcefulness   wide coverage on import-export procedures and
                by breeding catfish and other farm animals to support their financial   processes  in  relation  to  Malaysia. The  title  also
                obligations and run a small farm for gardening activities that allow   covers International  Trade and the author has
                their residents to interact with nature.                      included a specially-created steps as a standard
                                                                              tool for those wishing to be in the export business.
                                                                              The  Bank  donated  300  copies  of  the  Bahasa
                                                                              Melayu version to the Sultanah Zanariah Library,
            WORLD AUTISM                                                      Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; and
                                                                              400  copies  were  given  to  the Tun  Seri  Lanang
                   AWARENESS DAY 2020                                         Library, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi.

            In conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day, EXIM Bank renewed
            its  support  of  SK  (P)  Jalan  Batu,  located  at  Jalan  Sultan  Ismail.
            The  school  caters  to  a  total  of  240  students  of  which  27  of  them  are
            disabled kids ranging from 7 to 14 years old. The disabled children have
            different disabilities such as High Myopia, Minor and Major  Autism,
            Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, to name a few.
            The Bank had appointed a contractor to assist in the building and
            installation of a mini reflexology garden within the school compound in
            2018, and in 2020 contributions were made to help refurbish this garden.
            The reflexology garden serves as the school’s therapeutic activity for the   EXIM Bank contributed 300 copies of Exporting &
                                                                              International Trade book to Sultanah Zanariah Library
            disabled kids as it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system.   in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
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