Page 49 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 49

Section 04  Traversing Challenges

            25TH ANNIVERSARY


                EXIM  Bank  celebrated  its  25th
                anniversary on the first week of
                September  2020  with  the  launch
                of  a  new  logo  that  represented
                the Bank’s Core  Values  towards
                establishing  internal  and  external
                consistencies in our decision-making

                The values of Teamwork, Openness,
                Accountability,  Integrity  and
                Efficiency were chosen to shape a
                culture aligned with the corporate
                vision and mission.

                The  retro          symbolises
                excellence and dynamic “Teamwork”
                as all EXIMers strive together as
                a team, to be the best that they
                can be.  The open edges of the
                Star demonstrate the value of
                “Openness”  of  EXIMers  by  being
                approachable, allowing two-way                        The ceremony was preceded by speeches from the Chairman and
                communication in a transparent,                                      P/CEO, and ended with the cutting of a cake.
                timely  and  mutually  respectable
                The Red and Blue represent EXIM Bank’s corporate   The  open “Star”  and  the  obvious “E”  in  the  design  concept
                colours,  whereby  Blue  reflects  “Accountability”  in   essentially symbolise EXIM Bank and its national aspirations
                committing to personally own the results of  one’s  work   of  being  a  navigating  star  for  businesses  moving  towards
                and  “Integrity”  through  the  willingness  to  uphold  the     cross-border ventures.
                highest  professional  standards  at  all  time,  in  all
                circumstances, in discharging one’s duties. Exuding energy,   All employees were each given polo shirts showing the five
                passion, excitement and urgency, Red is a powerful colour   different core values as a reminder to inculcate these values.
                that denotes the heart in doing any given task, and also
                conveys the idea of “Efficiency” where one is energised to
                carry out one’s duties by optimising resources for positive
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