Page 53 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 53

Section 05  Upholding Accountability


            PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK INITIATIVE                      EXIM Bank noticed that one of the purposes of a
                                                                           DFI is to assist the underserved in this segment.
                                                                           The latter is defined as companies who find it hard
            1.0  BACKGROUND
                                                                           to obtain financing for their cross-border ventures,
                 The  Performance  Management  Framework  (PMF)  is  an    due to reasons such as being a new exporter or the
                outcome-based management tool, which acts as a guide       country that they are venturing is of an unfamiliar
                in developing and evaluating the Bank’s performance        territory. In this context, EXIM Bank has extended
                in delivering its mandate. PMF’s key differentiator        its financial assistance to the underserved worth
                is its robustness, where it measures  performance          RM359  million,  higher  than  the  initial  target  of
                beyond  conventional  financial indicators by factoring in   RM325 million.
                the socio-economic  impact  of Development  Financial
                Institutions (DFIs).                                         In addition to the above, EXIM Bank is not supposed
                                                                           to compete with commercial financial institutions.
                 The development of PMF was done in collaboration          Having said that, if one of the Bank’s customer has
                with  the  World  Bank  Group  (WBG)  during  the  “Forum   been approached or is thinking of switching to a
                on Results Measurement for DFIs” on the 9th and 10th       commercial financial institution, EXIM Bank sees
                of  August  2018,  which  was  participated  by  all  the  DFIs   it as an upward migration since the customer’s
                in Malaysia.  The initiative was kickstarted in October    reputation, as well as credit standing, is bankable
                2016  through  the  establishment  of  a  cross-functional   enough.  All this was achieved with the initial push
                taskforce. The PMF would be centred on the principles      or  assistance  from  EXIM  Bank.  In  2020,  EXIM
                of additionality with the following main purposes:         Bank  set  a  target  for  RM388  million,  and  achieved
                                                                           RM497 million for this.
                •    Sharpen   DFIs   focus   towards   delivering
                    socio-economic outcomes and development and        2.2  EXIM Bank’s Support to Non-Traditional Market

                •    Create  a  consistent  and  structured  performance           During EXIM Bank’s first decade of operations,
                    measurement approach across all DFIs.                  its focus was to help facilitate the exports of
                                                                           Malaysian made goods and services, with the
                 In  December  2017,  the  taskforce  produced  a  report     emphasis to promote international trade with
                outlining a strategic review of the prescribed DFIs in     developing countries, as well as supporting Malaysian
                Malaysia  with  the  following  indicators  on  three  (3)  main   companies participating in reverse investment
                areas to ensure the DFIs remain sustainable and relevant.   projects, particularly in non-traditional markets.
                                                                           While there is no single internationally-recognised
                                                                           definition of non-traditional markets, more often
                2.1  Measurable Indicators                                 than not, the perception is that it refers to Least
                                                                           Developed  Countries  (LDCs)  that  may  carry
                      This  well-organised  and  comprehensive  framework   default sovereign risk ratings. Providing financial
                    has been crucial in getting EXIM Bank involved in      support for projects or transactions where the final
                    the country’s development strategy. As a specialised   destinations are in such countries are thought to be
                    financial intermediary, EXIM Bank plays a special role   wasteful, as they are considered poor paymasters
                    to the underserved markets or sectors with capital     and will turn into non-performing loan or claims
                    where  it  is  needed.  For  Financial Year  2020,  EXIM     according to  most, if not  all, international  rating
                    Bank has identified the relevant Performance           agencies.
                    Indicators for PMF, and the following are the details:

                      Performance Indicators         Actual
                     Approved financing to         RM359  mil
                     underserved  (Loan  approval  to
                     Upward  migration  of  clients   RM497  mil
                     (Early  repayment)
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