Page 57 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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Section 05  Upholding Accountability

            Detailed assessments are conducted on the candidates with respect to their relevant skill sets, expertise and experience to fill any
            gaps in the present Board’s skills and expertise and the NRC would recommend the appointments for the Board’s approval prior to
            the submission to BNM for verification and finally to MOF for the final approval.
            The following important aspects would be considered by the Board in making the selection, with the assistance from the NRC:

                        Probity and                        Competency                            Financial
                        Reputation                                                               Integrity

                 The candidate must have the         The candidate must have the         The candidate must be able to
                  requisite qualities such as        necessary qualifications, skills,   manage his debts or financial affairs
                honesty, integrity, diligence and   experience, ability and commitment           prudently.
                       independence.                     to carry out the role.

            The Bank also conducts annual assessments on the suitability of the Directors to continue in their present role in accordance with
            the Bank’s Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria and BNM Policy Document on Corporate Governance. The fit and proper assessment
            involves self-declaration by the Directors to ensure the suitability and independence of the Directors to continue serving as Directors
            of the Bank.

            Board Meeting and Supply of Information
            Meetings for both the Board and Board Committee for the ensuing financial year are scheduled well in advance before the end of
            the current financial year. Special Board meetings may be convened, as and when deemed necessary, to consider urgent proposals
            or  matters  that  require  the  Board’s  expeditious  review  or  consideration.  During  the  financial  year  ended  31  December  2020,
            the Board met sixteen (16) times.
            The Board has unlimited, unrestricted and timely access to information with respect to the Board papers distributed in advance
            of meetings to enable the Directors to obtain further explanations, where necessary, in order to be adequately prepared prior
            to the meetings. It must also be provided with the minutes of previous Board and Board Committee meetings as well as
            reports relevant to the issues of the meetings covering the areas of financial, information technology, operations, budgets, risk
            management and annual management plans.

            Whenever necessary, external advisors may be invited to attend the Board and Board Committee meetings to explain matters
            within their competencies or expertise and provide clarity on specific matters being discussed to enable the Board and/or Board
            Committees to arrive at an informed decision.
            All issues raised, discussions, deliberations, decisions and conclusions including dissenting views made at the meetings, must be
            recorded without fear or favour with clear actions to be taken by the affected parties as recorded in the minutes of meetings.

            Directors have a duty to declare to the Board should they have an interest, either directly or indirectly, in any transaction to be
            entered by the Bank. An interested or conflicted Director, or if the Director is deemed as a “connected party”, is required to abstain
            from the deliberations and voting on the transaction.

            The Board has unrestricted access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary who is also responsible for ensuring that
            the procedures for Board and Board Commitee meetings are adhered to.

            Directors, collectively or individually, may seek independent professional advice in furtherance of their responsibilities and duties in
            the event such services are required.
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