Page 61 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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Section 05  Upholding Accountability

             The Board Committees are as follows:

                           Board Credit          Board Audit            Board Risk              and
                            Committee             Committee            Committee            Remuneration

            Board Credit Committee (BCC)
            Primarily responsible to perform supervisory and oversight role on financing and credit related proposals and approval, the BCC
            shall make reference to the Credit Risk Policy and the Bank’s latest Approving Authority and Authority Limit.

            It comprises three (3) members, exclusively NEDs and chaired by an Independent Director.
            The BCC shall have the following specific responsibilities:

                 To  deliberate,  review  and  exercise     To   recommend   “policy   loans/     To seek/obtain any information from
               the right to approve, reject and   financing” and loans/ financing     any employee of the Bank and to
               modify the terms and conditions of   that are required by statute to be   commission  any  investigations,
               credit applications that have been   approved by the Board, which have   reports or surveys, if deemed
               approved by the Management Credit   been reviewed and recommended by   necessary on credit related matters.
               Committee (MCC).                   the MCC.

                  During the financial year ended 31 December 2020, the BCC met twelve (12) times. Members of the BCC and details of the
                meeting attended by the members are stated on page 56 of this Annual Report.

            Board Audit Committee (BAC)
            Tasked to review the financial condition of the Bank, its internal controls, performance and findings of the internal auditors, the BAC
            also recommends appropriate remedial action regularly through its meeting, preferably at least once in three (3) months.

            The BAC presently comprises four (4) members, exclusively NEDs and chaired by an Independent Director.
            Responsibilities of BAC are as follows:

                                                           External Audit

              •   Review  with  the  external  auditors,  the  scope  of  their  •   Maintain regular, timely, open and honest communication
                audit plan, the system of internal accounting controls, the   with the external auditors, requiring the external auditors to
                audit reports, the assistance and cooperation given by the   report to the BAC on significant matters, mainly on:
                management and its staff to the auditors and any findings      (i)   Appropriateness  of  the  accounting  and  financial
                and actions  to be taken. The  BAC should also  select the   reporting principles used by the Bank.
                external auditors for appointment by the Board each year      (ii)   Unbiased  opinion  on  the  business  conduct  of  the
                and to review their remuneration, the scope and quality of   Management and staff.
                their work and their discharge or resignation.
              •   Ensure co-ordination where more than one (1) audit firm is      (iii)  New  implementation  or  enforcement  of  regulatory
                involved.                                               requirements.
              •   Monitor and assess the effectiveness of the external audit,   •   Ensure  that  senior  management  is  taking  necessary
                including  meeting  with the  external  auditors without  the   corrective actions in a timely manner to address external
                presence of senior management at least annually.     audit findings and recommendations.
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