Page 63 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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Section 05  Upholding Accountability

            The BRC shall have the following specific responsibilities :

                              Strategy and Policy                                     Organisation

             •   Review and recommend risk management philosophy and   •   Oversee  the  overall  management  of  all  risks  including
                strategy to the Board for approval.                   market risk management, asset and liability management,
             •   Review  and  approve  the  risk  management  policies,   credit  risk  management,  country  risk  management  and
                controls and systems of the Bank in line with the Board   operational risk management.
                approved risk management philosophy and strategy.  •   Ensure  that  there  are  clear  and  independent  reporting
             •   Review  and  propose  the  setting  of  the  risk  appetite/  lines and responsibilities for the overall business activities
                tolerance  of  the  Bank  at  enterprise  and  at  strategic   and risk management functions and recommend risk
                business unit levels to the Board.                    management derived organisational alignments where
                                                                      necessary to the Board.
             •   Approve  new  products/services,  which  are  fundamentally
                different from the Bank’s existing products/services,   •   Cultivate a proactive risk management culture within the
                based on advice from the Management Risk Committee    Bank so that risk management processes are applied in
                (now known as Management Audit, Risk and Compliance   the day-to-day business and activities.
                Committee (MARCC)) and Risk Management Division. In   •   Appropriate  independent  review  of  the  Bank’s  risk
                case of approval granted, to notify the Board of the same   management infrastructure, capabilities, environment and
                in accordance with local regulatory requirements.     processes where necessary.
             •   Maintain  continued  awareness  of  any  changes  in  the
                Bank’s  risk  profile  to  ensure  that  the  Bank’s  business
                activities are in line with the overall risk strategy.

                                Measurement                                  Processes and Technology Enabler

             •   Approve risk methodologies for measuring and managing   •   Ensure  sufficient  internal  controls  to  detect  any
                risks arising from the Bank’s  business and operational   deficiencies in the internal control environment in a timely
                activities.                                           manner; review the independence and robustness of risk
             •   Ensure  the  appropriateness  of  the  risk  measurement   management processess and internal controls throughout
                methodologies  (including  assumptions  made  within   the  Bank;  and  approve  the  Bank’s  key  risk  control  and
                the  methodologies)  under  the  prevailing  business   mitigation processes.
                environment.                                       •   Periodically review risk exposures of the Bank in line with
             •   Engage  external  and  independent  reviewers  for  the   its risk strategy and objectives.
                validation  of  risk  measurement  methodologies  and   •   Determine  and  empower  (MARCC  or  members  of
                outputs.                                              Management)  the  authority  to  approve  deviations  from
             •   Review  and  recommend  broad-based  risk  limits  to  the   limits and the extent of deviations from limits.
                Board for approval and ensure the risk limits are appropriate   •   Approve  the  contingency  plan  for  dealing  with  various
                for the Bank’s business activities.                   extreme internal/ external events disasters.
             •   Approve detail risk limits based on broad-based risk limits   •   Ensure  the  adequacy  of  tools,  systems  and  resources
                as approved by the Board and ensure the risks limits are   for the successful management of risk management
                appropriate for the Bank’s business activities.       functions within the Bank.
                                                                   •   Review the progress of all core risk management initiatives
                                                                      within the Bank.

                 The BRC met ten (10) times during the financial year ended 31 December 2020. Members of the BRC and details of the meeting
                attended by the members are stated on page 56 of this Annual Report.
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