Page 65 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 65

Section 05  Upholding Accountability

                                                      Remuneration functions

             •    Recommend to the Board the remuneration framework and structure for the Board, SC, P/CEO and Senior Management and
                 ensure that the agreed framework and structure are in line with MOF’s directive.
             •    Recommend remuneration packages of the Board, Board Committee members, SC members, P/CEO and Senior Management
                 to reflect the level of expertise, commitment and responsibilities. The remuneration packages should:
                 (i)   Be based on an objective consideration and approved by the Board.
                 (ii)   Take due consideration on the assessments of the effectiveness and contribution of the Directors, SC Members, P/CEO
                     and Senior Management.
                 (iii)  Not be decided by the exercise of sole discretion of any one (1) individual or restricted group of individuals.
                 (iv)  Be sufficiently competitive to attract, nurture and retain high quality talents in order to deliver the Bank’s mandate.
             •    Make recommendation(s) to the Board with regard to the staff annual bonus and other performance related rewards and
                 annual increment.


            Deliberate on Senior Management’s industrial relation matters.

                 The NRC held seven (7) meetings during the financial year 31 December 2020. Members of the NRC and details of the meeting
                attended by the members are stated on page 56 of this Annual Report.
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