Page 69 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 69

Section 05  Upholding Accountability

            STATEMENT OF

            EXIM  Bank’s  risk  management  has  evolved  over  the  years  in  supporting  its  risk  related  decision-making,  while  balancing  the
            appropriate level of risks taken to the desired level of rewards. This is governed by the Risk Management Framework (RMF) that
            covers risk in the areas of primary enterprise categories, governance, approaches and the specific management of it.

            For this purpose, we have dedicated risk management functions that manage risks through the process of identifying, measuring,
            monitoring and controlling the primary enterprise risk categories, as well as timely reporting and update of action plans on the risk
            findings. These are governed by a structured risk governance mechanism consisting of strong Board and Management oversight
            roles and responsibilities towards building and integrating the Bank’s risk strategy within the organisation’s strategic management
            and operational processes. This is further reflected through the establishment and regular review of other risk frameworks, policies,
            procedures and manuals to support the Bank’s risk related decision-making.

            These strategies and approaches of the Bank’s risk management must be responsive to any internal, as well as external, changes in
            the Bank’s environment, and may be achieved through the following:

                                                                   Establishment of effective
                                          Formulation of risk limits                            Development of risk
               Establishment of the Board   covering all relevant and   risk assessment, monitoring,   methodology, models and
                 approved risk appetite                             mitigation and reporting
                                              material risks                                     model validation

            Regularly assessed, the risk management function provides assurance on the Bank’s compliance to the applicable laws,
            regulations, internal policies, procedures and limits.

            The Bank’s risk management strategies are based on the following core principles:

             Clear responsibilities      The roles and responsibilities of parties involved in the entire risk management processes
             on risk management          shall be clearly identified, and the ultimate responsibility for understanding the risks
                                         exposed by the Bank and ensuring that they are properly managed lies with the Board
                                         of Directors. The Board of Directors is assisted by the Board Risk Committee, tasked in
                                         carrying out this responsibility.

                                         Consequentially, the Senior Management shall be responsible for overseeing day-to-day
                                         management of risk of the Bank.

             Integrate risk              As risk management is an essential component of good management, the Bank has
             management in all           integrated  risk  management  into  its  existing  strategic  management  and  operational
             decision-making             processes.

             Comprehensive               All material risks exposed by the Bank shall be comprehensively assessed based on
             assessment of risks on      consistent  application  of  the  following  processes;  identification  of  risk,  measurement  of
             all activities              risk and evaluation of risk.

             Effective risk control      Risk control mechanism  includes frameworks, policies, guidelines,  procedures and risk
             mechanisms                  limits that are designed, among other things, to ensure that each risk has a proper
                                         mitigation process and measurement, as well as effectively implemented.
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