Page 74 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 74

            Annual Report 2020


          STRESS TEST
          In order to anticipate and respond swiftly to new or emerging risks, the Bank performs periodic stress tests as part of the risk
          management process.
          Top-down and bottom-up approaches, where appropriate, are adopted by the Bank in its stress testing exercise depending on the
          purpose of the stress test. The stress testing exercise must commensurate with the nature, size and complexity of the Bank’s
          business operations and risk profile. It must be comprehensive in its scope and coverage and includes on-and off-balance sheet
          exposures, commitments, guarantees and contingent liabilities.

          This is in line with Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM’s) Stress Test Guidelines, which requires simulating events that could potentially
          impact the Bank’s capital position with main emphasis on credit, liquidity, market and operational risks.

          For governance, the respective primary enterprise risks in the Bank produced the following key frameworks and policies:

                          •  Risk Management Framework                          •  Credit Risk Policy
                          •  Risk Appetite Framework                            •  Expected Credit Loss Policy
               Risk       •  Compliance Framework                    Risk       •  Operational Risk Policy
            Frameworks    •   Technology Risk Management            Policies    •   Shariah Risk Management Policy
                                                                                •   Asset Liability and Market Risk
                             Framework                                             Policy
                          •  Cyber Resilience Framework                         •   Liquidity Risk Management Policy


          Effective management of risk is crucial to enable the Bank’s strong and sustained growth.

          Based on the operating landscape in 2020, the Bank has identified key primary risks and risk mitigation as follows:

           No.  Key Primary Risks  Definition                    Mitigation Measures
            1.  Credit Risk       The  risk  due  to  uncertainty  on  •    Perform  independent  credit  evaluation  and  periodic
                                  the  customer or  the  customer’s   review  of  the  Portfolio  Risk  Rating  (PRR),  Target
                                  counterparty ability to meet its   Market and Risk Acceptance Criteria (TMRAC), product
                                  obligations or failure to perform   programmes,  Underwriting  Standards  and  all  other
                                  according to the terms and        matters pertaining to credit risks.
                                  conditions of the credit related   •    Proactive  account  management,  through  identification
                                  contract.                         of the Significant Increase in Credit Risk (SICR) events,
                                                                    for timely account classification and re-classification
                                                                    with appropriate expected credit loss provisioning and
                                                                    effective credit risk mitigation.
                                                                 •    Maintain comprehensive credit policy and limits within
                                                                    the Board-approved Risk Appetite.
                                                                 •    All  exposures  and  non-compliances,  including
                                                                    emerging  risk,  are  investigated  and  escalated  to  the
                                                                    Management & Board Committees with action plan
                                                                    and monitoring status.
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