Page 79 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 79

Section 05  Upholding Accountability

            f)    The Bank’s annual business plan and budget are submitted to the Board for approval. In addition, variances between actual
                and targeted results are also presented to the Board on a monthly basis. This allows for timely responses and corrective
                actions to be taken to mitigate risks;
            g)    An Audit  & Assurance  Department  (AAD)  reports  to  the  BAC,  performs  regular  reviews  of  the  processes  to  assess  their
                effectiveness and highlights any significant risks affecting the Bank. The BAC reviews the internal auditor’s auditable areas and
                resources annually, via the Annual Audit Plan; and

            h)    BAC regularly reviews and holds discussions with the Management on actions taken to address lapses in the internal control
                processes and issues identified in reports prepared by the internal and external auditors, as well as regulatory authorities.

            AAD  independently reviews  the adequacy and  integrity of  the internal  control systems in managing key  risk, and reports
            accordingly  to  the  Board  Audit  Committee  (BAC)  on  every  two  months  basis. Where  weaknesses  have  been  identified  as  a
            result of the reviews, improvement measures are recommended to strengthen controls and follow-up audits are conducted
            by AAD to assess the status of implementation thereof by Management.

            BAC has established an appropriate and transparent relationship with the external auditor. It meets at least once a year with the
            external auditor without the presence of the Management of the Bank.
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