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            Annual Report 2020


           No.  Key Primary Risks  Definition                    Mitigation Measures

            6.  Technology Risk   Information and cyber security risk  •    Establish  adequate  internal  processes  and  controls,
                                  are the risks emanating from the   including systems backup and recovery.
                                  use of information technology (IT)   •    Maintain  listing  of  IT-related  issues  and  incidents
                                  and the Internet. These risks arise   with close monitoring of rectification progress by
                                  from  failures or  breaches  of  IT   the working level committees, for escalation to the
                                  systems, applications, platforms   Management and Board Committees.
                                  or infrastructure, which could
                                  result in financial loss, disruptions
                                  in financial services or operations,
                                  or reputational harm to the Bank.
            7.  Compliance Risk   Compliance risk is the risk of legal  •    Maintain  a  set  of  comprehensive  compliance
                                  or  regulatory  sanctions,  financial   framework, policies and procedures.
                                  loss or reputational damage that   •    Embed  compliance  monitoring  through  the
                                  the  Bank  may suffer as  a  result   establishment of the DCORO functions in every division
                                  of its failure to comply with legal   for active monitoring and reporting of compliance
                                  and regulatory requirements       matters.
                                  applicable to the Bank’s activities.
                                                                 •    Assessment  of  High-Risk  Customers
                                                                 •    Compliance  issues  are  highlighted  and  presented  for
                                                                    deliberation at the Management and Board Committees.

                                                  Top 3 Achievements in 2020

            1                                                        3
           Revision  of  the  Credit  Risk  Policy  (CRP)  to  ensure  comprehensive  Review  appointment  of  Designated  Operational
           policies governing the credit risk management is in accordance  Risk  Officer  (DOO)  to  the  Designated  Compliance
           to the Basel and Bank Negara Malaysia requirements.  The new  and  Operational  Risk  Officer  (DCORO)  to  ensure
           CRP addresses the credit risk governance, alignment of credit risk  broad coverage of compliance risk, operational
           management with the Board-approved credit risk appetite, the Bank’s  and Shariah non-compliance risk identification and
           Risk Appetite Statements and its respective credit components. The  assessment that may arise from the Bank’s product,
           CRP also introduced the Target Market and Risk Acceptance Criteria  people, processes and system.  The DCOROs also
           and the Credit Risk Rating  through the Credit Risk Management  facilitate for effective management of information
           System (CRMS).                                           disclosure from the regulatory authorities for onward
                                                                    submission to the Chief Compliance Officer, participate
            2                                                       in the Business Continuity Management (BCM) related
                                                                    activities, as well as report the loss event as and when
           Establishment  of  Shariah  RCSA,  KRI  &  KCT  to  inculcate  the     required, as per the Guidelines on Operational Risk
           self-assessment risk awareness and culture among the process and   Integrated  Online  Network  (ORION)  and  Guidelines
           risk owners, which includes the identification, assessment, mitigation   on  Managing  Shariah  Non-Compliance  (SNC)  Risk
           and monitoring of the Bank’s SNC risk exposures.         requirements.

          A number of Risk initiatives were initiated in 2020 including Credit Risk Management System and Group Risk Compliance Solution
          with targeted implementation in 2021.
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