Page 75 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 75

Section 05  Upholding Accountability

              No.  Key Primary Risks  Definition                   Mitigation Measures

              2.   Shariah           Shariah non-compliance risk is  •    Ascertain  the  soundness  of  Shariah  governance
                   Non-Compliance    the risk that arises from the     framework through four dedicated functions - Shariah
                   (SNC) Risk        Bank’s failure to comply with the   Management, Shariah Risk Management, Shariah
                                     rulings of the Shariah  Advisory   Review and Shariah  Audit - as required under BNM
                                     Council  Council  (SAC)  of  Bank   Shariah Governance Framework.
                                     Negara Malaysia, standards on   •    Embedded  risk  function  through  the  establishment
                                     Shariah matters issued by Bank    of the Designated Compliance and Operational Risk
                                     Negara Malaysia pursuant to       Officer  (DCORO)  functions  in  every  division  for  active
                                     section  29(1)  of  the  IFSA  and   monitoring of SNC risks and reporting matter.
                                     section  33E(1)  of  the  DFIA,  or   •    All SNC risk issues and incidents with detailed analysis
                                     decisions or advice of the Shariah   and action plans are reported to the Management,
                                     Committee for its Islamic banking   Board and Shariah Committee.
                                     and takaful business activities.

              3.   Operational Risk   Operational risk is the risk of  •    Embedded  risk  function  through  the  establishment
                                     loss resulting from inadequate    of the  DCORO functions in  every  division  for active
                                     or failed internal operational or   monitoring of operational risks and reporting matters.
                                     financial processes and systems,   •    All  operational  risk  issues  and  incidents  with  detailed
                                     the  actions  of  people  or  from   analysis and action plans are reported to Management
                                     external events.                  and Board Committees.

              4.   Market Risk       Market risk refers to the potential  •    Maintain  a  comprehensive  market  risk  policy  and
                                     loss arising from adverse         control.
                                     movements in the market prices.  •    Proactive monitoring, analysis and reporting by Treasury
                                                                       Middle Office to ensure the market risk management
                                                                       is within the Board-approved Risk Appetite.
                                                                   •    All  exposures  and  non-compliances  including
                                                                       emerging risk are investigated and escalated to the
                                                                       Management and Board Committees with action plans
                                                                       and monitoring status.

              5.   Liquidity Risk    Liquidity risk is the risk of the  •    Maintain  a  comprehensive  liquidity  risk  policy  and
                                     Bank’s inability to meet cash flow   control.
                                     obligations  as  they  come  due   •    Proactive  monitoring  and  liquidity  risk  management  to
                                     without incurring unacceptable    ensure it is within the Board-approved Risk Appetite
                                                                   •    Conduct  forward-looking  scenario  analysis  and  stress
                                                                       test to identify the areas that are vulnerable to liquidity
                                                                       risk and mitigate it with the right amount of liquid
                                                                       buffer and contingency funding plan.
                                                                   •    All  exposure  and  non-compliance  including  emerging
                                                                       risk are investigated and escalated to the Management
                                                                       and Board Committees with action plans and
                                                                       monitoring status.
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