Page 70 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 70

            Annual Report 2020


          Adequate systems            To ensure that the monitoring and reporting systems are implemented adequately, the
          for monitoring and          Bank’s risk profiles and any significant risk issues shall be reported to the Board and senior
          reporting                   management on a regular basis.

          Effective internal          An effective internal control review system shall be established as part of its risk
          control review              management process, which includes the independent review, and where appropriate, the
                                      involvement of internal or/and external audits.

          EXIM Bank’s Risk Management Framework specifies the structure of strategy setting, approval and overall governance of risk
          management in the Bank that is appropriate to the nature, scale and complexity of the business activities.
          Furthermore, its organisational structure supports the risk management culture to ensure uniform view of risk bank-wide.

          In fact, the Bank’s risk management organisation structure has the following characteristics:
          •   Clear roles and responsibilities of the Board and Senior Management in managing risks of the Bank;

          •    Clear  roles  and  responsibilities  of  various  Committees  and  senior  management,  which  are  able  to  support  the  Bank’s  risk
             management initiatives;

          •    An independent risk management function with sufficient authority, resources and access to the Board and is able to provide
             an independent view of the Bank’s risk positions; and
          •    A strong risk management culture that manifests through the understanding of risks across every level of the organisation and
             that decisions on business and activities are in line with the Bank’s risk management strategies and risk appetite.
          The Bank’s overall risk governance structure is illustrated below:

                                                  Risk Governance Structure:
                                                   Board of Directors (Board)

            The ultimate governing body with overall risk oversight responsibility, including defining the appropriate governance structure
                                                       and risk appetite.
                                                    Shariah Committee (SC)

           Responsible to ensure that the Islamic banking and takaful business activities of the Bank comply and conform to Shariah rules
                                                        and principles.
                                                      Board Committee

                       Board Risk Committee (BRC)                          Board Credit Committee (BCC)

           Responsible to review the risk management framework,  Responsible to approve “policy loans/financing” and has veto
           key risk policies and risk appetite for approval of the Board,   power to  challenge,  reject  credit  and modify the  terms  of
           as well as review the risk reports.                 credits that have been recommended by Management Credit
                                                               Committee (MCC).
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