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            Annual Report 2020


          Roles and Responsibilities of the Board               4)    With  a  fiduciary  duty  to  act  in  the  best  interest  of  the
                                                                    Bank, the Board understands that the responsibility
          The roles and responsibilities of the Board and that of the   for good corporate governance rests with them and
          Management are clearly demarcated in the Board Charter. The   therefore strives to ensure that the highest standards of
          roles and responsibilities of the Chairman and the P/CEO are   corporate governance are practiced in the discharge of the
          segregated. Nonetheless, their respective functions remain   Board’s fiduciary duties and responsibilities and practiced
          mutually co-dependent enabling efficient and effective execution   throughout the Bank.
          of their duties and responsibilities.
                                                                5)    The  roles  and  responsibilities  of  the  Board  shall  be
          Its principal focus is the overall strategic direction, development   governed by the Development Financial Institutions  Act
          and control of the Bank in an effective and responsible manner.   2002 (DFIA), Companies Act 2016, BNM Policy Document
          The role of Management, on the other hand, is to run the   on Corporate Governance and the Constitution of the Bank,
          business operations and general activities and administration   including any other guidelines that may be issued by the
          of financial and non-financial matters of the Bank within the   relevant authorities from time to time.
          established delegated authority from the Board.
                                                                6)    The Board also provides the necessary and requisite overall
          In discharging its duties, the Board has these core responsibilities   oversight on the Shariah governance structure and Shariah
          as its guiding principles:                                compliance of the Bank as required under BNM’s Shariah
                                                                    Governance Framework for Islamic Financial Institutions.
          1)    Charged with leading and managing the Bank in an effective
             and responsible manner, each Director of the Board has   The Board, upon consultation with the Shariah Committee
             a legal duty to act in the best interest of the Bank. The   (SC) shall approve all policies relating to Shariah matters and
             Directors, collectively and individually, are aware of their   is expected to ensure that such policies are implemented
             responsibilities to shareholders and stakeholders for the   effectively.
             manner in which the affairs of the Bank are managed. The   Segregation of position of the Chairman and the President/
             Board sets the Bank’s values and standards and ensures   Chief Executive Officer
             that its obligations to its shareholders and stakeholders are
             understood and met.                                Adopting a leadership model that has a clear division or
                                                                demarcation of roles and responsibilities between the Chairman
          2)    The  Board  plays  a  critical  role  in  ensuring  that  the  Bank   and the P/CEO, the Bank ensures an appropriate balance of
             upholds sound and prudent policies and practices. It will   power, increased accountability, transparency and enhanced
             perform its oversight role effectively and understands its   independence in the decision-making process. The positions
             overall responsibilities  to shareholders and stakeholders.   of Chairman and P/CEO are held by different individuals with
             The Board will not be involved in the day-to-day operations   distinct and separate roles and responsibilities to advocate
             of the Bank but will provide an effective check and balance   governance and transparency.
             mechanism in the overall management of the Bank.
                                                                Board Appointment Process
          3)    As  the  Board  bears  ultimate  responsibility  for  the
             proper stewardship of the Bank, it understands that   The  Nomination  and  Remuneration  Committee  (NRC)  is
             the responsibility for good corporate governance in   responsible for screening and proposing to the Board for
             ensuring the maximisation of shareholders’ value and   approval qualified candidates to serve as Directors and members
             the safeguarding of stakeholders’ interest is performed    of the Board Committees based on the candidates’ skills, core
             through rigorous and diligent oversight of the Bank’s affairs.   competencies, experience and time to effectively discharge his
             It also establishes, amongst others, the corporate values,   or her role. The screening process is in accordance with BNM
             vision and strategies that will direct the activities of the   Guidelines and guided by the criteria outlined in the Bank’s
             Bank, and to be aware of the types of material financial   Policy on Fit and Proper Criteria and Policy on the Appointment/
             activities the Bank intends to pursue.             Reappointment of Chairman, Directors and P/CEO.
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