Page 55 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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Section 05  Upholding Accountability


            The Board of Directors (Board) of Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (EXIM Bank or the Bank) is
            cognisant of the principles and best practices of Corporate Governance as set out in Bank Negara Malaysia’s
            (BNM) Policy Document on Corporate Governance, as well as other primary legislative and regulatory
            provisions, which serve to ensure that the Bank is managed in a safe and sound manner. The Board is
            committed to upholding good corporate governance practices and endeavours to continuously advocate for
            transparency, accountability, responsibility and integrity. This commitment enables the Bank to achieve an
            optimal governance framework and maximise shareholder value, as well as to lay a solid foundation for the
            Bank to carry out its mandated role as a Development Financial Institution (DFI) and to achieve sustainable
            and long-term growth.

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                     Board Charter
            Board Composition and Balance                          Recognising that robust and well thought-out corporate
                                                                   governance practices are essential to safeguard the interests
            Article  94(1)  of  the  Constitution  of  EXIM  Bank  provides  that   of the Bank, the Board is guided by the Board Charter with
            there  should  not  be  less  than  two  and  not  more  than  12   respect to the Board’s role and responsibilities, powers, duties
            members of the Board. As at 31 December 2020, the Board   and functions.
            comprises  seven  (7)  members,  with  one  (1)  Independent
            Non-Executive  Chairman,  four  (4)  Independent  Non-Executive   It not only reflects the current best practices and the applicable
            Directors  and  two  (2)  Non-Independent  Non-Executive     rules and regulations but also outlines processes and
            Directors  (nominees  from  the  Ministry  of  Finance  (MOF)   procedures to  ensure the  Board and Board  Committees’
            and  Ministry  of  International Trade  and  Industry  (MITI)). The   effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out its role and
            Directors come from diverse backgrounds with expertise and   responsibilities.
            skills in banking, finance, business management, accounting,
            and international trade. This diversity brings to the Board the   The Board has also delegated specific authority to several Board
            essential capabilities, expertise and experience required for   Committees. Notwithstanding this delegation of authority, the
            the Board to effectively perform its functions.  The present   Board remains responsible for its fiduciary duties.
            composition of the Board is in compliance with BNM’s Policy
            Document on Corporate Governance as more than half of its   Among others, the Board Charter comprises the following areas:
            members are Independent Directors.
                                                                       Roles and Responsibilities of the Board;
            The Directors are persons of high calibre and integrity and
            possess the appropriate and requisite professional qualifications,      Board Composition and Board Balance;
            skills, extensive knowledge, experience and competencies to
            address key risks and major issues relating to the Bank’s long      Board Appointments, Reappointments and Re-election;
            term strategies and sustainability.
                                                                       Conflict of Interest;
            A brief profile of each member of the Board is presented on
            pages 16 to 18 of this Annual Report and the Board members as      Training Requirements;
            at 31 December 2020 are as follows:                         Balance of Power and Authority between the Chairman
                                                                       and the President/Chief Executive Officer (P/CEO); and
            1.   Dato’ Dr. Feizal Mustapha (Chairman)*;
            2.   Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad Syed Abdul Kadir;              Supply of Information.
            3.   Datuk Bahria Mohd Tamil;
            4.   Dato’ Dr. Amiruddin Muhamed;
            5.   Dato’ Sandra Wong Lee Yun;
            6.   Mr. Prem Kumar; and
            7.   Mr. Wong Yoke Nyen.

            *  term ended 8 March 2021
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