Page 47 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
P. 47

Section 04  Traversing Challenges


                 WITH NECC FOR BABY ELLY

                                                 Since   2017,   EXIM   Bank   through   urgent  medical  assistance  due  to
                                                 its  environmental  CSR  initiatives  critical injuries and the loss of her
                                                 had committed  itself and worked     front  lower  right  foot  from  a  trap  laid
                                                 hand-in-hand with the National Elephant   by illegal hunters. Elly was only a year
                                                 Conservation  Centre  (NECC),  Kuala   old when she was transferred to the
                                                 Gandah to help conserve elephants. In   NECC  in  Kuala  Gandah,  Pahang  for
                                                 2018,  after  a  successful  environmental   rehabilitation. Hearing  about  her plight,
                                                 CSR programme held a year before in   the  Bank  adopted  Elly  in  2018  and
                                                 NECC,  EXIM  Bank  once  again  came   contributed a custom-made prosthetic
                                                 forward in adopting a handicapped   leg.  The Bank had also contributed a
                                                 baby elephant named Elly, as it needed   one-off new portable paddock for Elly’s
                                                                                     daily mobility exercise.

                                                                                        The wellbeing of gutsy Baby Elly and the
                                                                                   progress she is making are closely monitored by
                                                                                    EXIM Bank. She received a new prosthetic leg
                                                                                    last year to accommodate her growing stature.

                                                                   To ensure the sustainability of our long-term environmental
                                                                   effort, we continue our support of baby Elly to ensure
                                                                   she grows up healthy, with access to necessary medical
                                                                   treatments. Our contribution covers the annual cost of
                                                                   one-year supply of milk, multivitamins and other supplements
                                                                   as part of her medical treatments, as well as sponsoring the
                                                                   biannual cost of adjustments to her prosthetic leg due to her
                                                                   rapid growth. Elly is important to us as the elephant population
                                                                   in Malaysia is rapidly declining. In Peninsular Malaysia, only
                                                                   1,223  to  1,677  elephants  are  estimated  to  live  in  the  wild
                                                                   today. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
                                                                   (IUCN) has classified Asian elephants as an Endangered species.
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