Page 40 - EXIM-BANK-AR20
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            Annual Report 2020


                                           •   Achieve  synergies  in  terms  of  enlarging  our  capital  base,  increasing  our  quality  of
                                             capital and explore provision of capital from other sources.
                                           •   Chart  the  Bank’s  financial  stability  by  operating  profitably  with  renewed  risk  and
                   Balance Sheet             controls, whilst observing balance sheet discipline.
                                           •   Pro-active  risk  management  to  allow  growth,  while  decreasing  risk’s  costs  and
                                             delinquency ratios across all products (Banking, Insurance, Guarantee and Advisory).
                                           •  Extract value from existing capital through enhanced NPL management.

                                           •   Integration of Strategy 2020+ and Strategy 2025 roadmap, overarching new project
                                             governance (Gear Up 21) and committee structure to be established.

                                           •   The revised Bank’s corporate statement and strategies will align the focus and reaffirm
                                             our commitment to the stakeholders (i.e. mandate, pivotal roles and economic value
                    Revitalising Business    creation).
                                           •   Strong commitment to actively accelerate synergy realisation between stakeholders,
                                             EXIM Bank’s peers and strategic partnerships with relevant private entities.

                                           •   A new organisation structure to form business strategies, taking into consideration the
                                             five (5) client-centric revenue levers vis-à-vis business strategies.

                                           •   Human capital framework enhancement to drive performance-culture via streamlining
                                             organisational structure, succession development plan and enhancing career
                                             development framework.
                                           •   Continuous  investment  in  IT  and  control  functions,  including  credit  risk  and
                   Transforming People,      compliance. New IT infrastructure that is able to reduce cost complexity significantly,
                   Technology & Process
                                             which frees up capacity for reinvestment in sales activities or for other revenue levers.
                                           •   Harmonise “end-to-end” process with technology model (from front office to middle
                                             office/back office to reduce process deviations, thus eliminating complexity’s costs
                                             (fewer exception; if any).

          GEARING UP FOR FY2021 VIA GEAR UP 21
          At the beginning of the year, the Bank’s Transformation Office defined five (5) focus areas throughout the Bank with the launching
          of 21 projects. In the first year of our Gear Up 21 transformation journey, we have established good governance practices, laid
          the groundwork towards digitalisation and have started embedding cultural change. In the years to come, we will continue
          strengthening our foundation and improving our efficiency by leveraging on technology to streamline and automate core
          activities, as well as put in place the right human capital practices to develop and transform our people into a world-class, digitally
          savvy and high-performance workforce.
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