Page 132 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 132


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          3.   significant accOUnting estimates anD jUDgement (cOnt’D)

               3.3   Basis for expected credit losses (“ECL”) management overlays due to COVID-19
                    With the recent and rapid development of the coronavirus outbreak in Malaysia, the Government of Malaysia had initially
                    declared a Movement Control Order (“MCO”) in 2020. This was then extended through the Conditional MCO and Recovery
                    MCO throughout 2021.
                    The MCO involved limitation and/or suspension of business operations, travel restrictions, and quarantine measures.
                    Similar measures have also been introduced in various countries, some of which the Group and the Bank have exposure
                    in. Whilst these measures may not have an immediate and pronounced impact on the banking industry, it is expected
                    to have some effect, impacting, for example, the Group’s and the Bank’s allowance for ECL on loans, advances and
                    financing, liabilities in respect of certain insurance/Takaful products and the valuation of financial investments.
                    As the outbreak continues to progress and evolve, it is challenging at this juncture, to predict the full extent and duration
                    of its business and economic impact. The Group and the Bank will continue to monitor the progress of the outbreak
                    and measure and report the impact, if any, of the outbreak on their financial statements as they occur subsequent to
                    the reporting date. As the current MFRS 9 models may not fully reflect the ECL impact arising from the unprecedented
                    ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, management overlays have been applied to determine a sufficient overall level of
                    ECL for the financial year ended 31 December 2021. The management overlay on ECL for financial investment and loans,
                    advances and financing for the Group and the Bank as at 31 December 2021 stood at RM49,192,125 (2020: RM54,259,225)
                    and RM RM181,692,000 (2020: RM150,431,032) respectively.

          4.   cash anD bank balances

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000
               Cash and bank balances                                                           49,513      122,399

          5.   DePOsits anD Placements with banks anD Other financial institUtiOns

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

               Deposits and placements with:
                 Licensed banks                                                               2,201,936   2,343,070
                 Other financial institutions                                                   924,840   1,021,029
                                                                                              3,126,776   3,364,099

               Further breakdown to deposits and placements are as follows:
                 For EXIM Bank                                                                3,026,829    3,233,730
                 On behalf of customers and government **                                       99,947      130,369
                                                                                              3,126,776    3,364,099

               ** Included in deposits and placements with licensed banks and other financial institutions are placements of the unutilised
                 fund from the Government of Malaysia under the MKFF Scheme. In 2021, the fund under MKFF Scheme been fully settled
                 (2020: RM27,387,487).
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