Page 137 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 137
Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
7. lOans, aDvances anD financing (cOnt’D.)
(vi) Movements of gross impaired loans, advances and financing (“impaired loans”) are as follows:
Group and Bank
2021 2020
RM’000 RM’000
At 1 January 2,382,477 2,643,617
Impaired during the year 207,592 326,057
Reclassified as non-impaired (126,861) -
Recoveries (202,634) (361,894)
Amount written off (150,348) (220,073)
Exchange differences (13,651) (5,230)
At 31 December 2,096,575 2,382,477
Gross impaired loans as a percentage of gross loans, advances and financing
- with ECR debtors 39.55% 41.51%
- without ECR debtors 39.79% 41.76%
Net impaired loans as a percentage of gross loans, advances and financing
- with ECR debtors 12.19% 13.45%
- without ECR debtors 12.27% 13.53%
(vii) Gross impaired loans, advances and financing analysed by geographical area are as follows:
Group and Bank
2021 2020
RM’000 RM’000
Malaysia 469,317 833,211
East Asia 14,920 12,029
South Asia 1,080,527 878,517
Central Asia 335,393 322,905
Middle East 8,300 26,998
Africa 98,899 103,948
Europe 4,787 121,974
America 80,925 79,358
Oceania 3,507 3,537
2,096,575 2,382,477