Page 138 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 138


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          7.   lOans, aDvances anD financing (cOnt’D.)

               (viii) Gross impaired loans, advances and financing analysed by industry are as follows:
                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

                  Primary agriculture                                                           15,561       12,835
                  Manufacturing                                                                 176,461     142,534
                  Transport, storage and communication                                         650,517    1,121,184
                  Construction                                                                 496,199      434,661
                  Wholesale and retail trade, and restaurants and hotels                       284,568      212,516
                  Others                                                                       473,269      458,747

                                                                                              2,096,575    2,382,477

               (ix)  Movements in the allowance for ECL for loans, advances and financing are as follows:
                                                                      Stage 1      Stage 2     Stage 3
                                                                              Lifetime ECL     Lifetime
                                                                    12-months    not credit    ECL credit
                                                                         ECL      impaired    impaired    Total ECL
                                                                      RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

                  Group and Bank
                  At 1 January                                         31,569      418,195    1,610,717    2,060,481
                  Transferred from Stage 1                              (3,857)      3,857           -            -
                  Transferred from Stage 2                                  -      (22,018)     22,018            -
                  Transferred from Stage 3                                  -       69,589      (69,589)         -
                  Allowance/(Written back) recognised in profit and loss    1,073    (13,568)    (4,463)    (16,958)
                  Financial assets derecognised                         (4,744)    (32,426)          -       (37,170)
                  Changes due to change in credit risk                 43,058       16,818           -       59,876
                  Modification to contractual cash flows of financial assets    (469)    41,828      -       41,359
                  Total amount charged to profit and loss during the period    35,061    64,080    (52,034)    47,107

                  Other movement with no profit and loss impact
                  Write offs                                                -           -      (150,348)    (150,348)
                  Exchange differences                                      -           -       41,830       41,830

                  At 31 December                                       66,630      482,275    1,450,165    1,999,070
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143