Page 163 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 163


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            22.   PrOvisiOn fOr gUarantee anD claims
                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                  Gross          Net
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                Arising from:
                (i)   Insurance claims
                    At 1 January                                                                  30,723      30,723
                    Reversal during the year (Note 27(ii))                                        (3,719)      (3,719)
                    At 31 December                                                                27,004      27,004

                (ii)   Takaful claims
                    At 1 January                                                                  20,193      20,193
                    Reversal during the year (Note 44)                                            (4,226)      (4,226)
                    Paid during the year                                                            (519)       (519)

                    At 31 December                                                                15,448      15,448
                (iii)  Expenses liabilities
                    At 1 January                                                                     785         785
                    Reversal during the year                                                        (186)        (186)
                    At 31 December                                                                  599          599

                                                                                                  43,051      43,051

                Arising from:
                (i)   Insurance claims
                    At 1 January                                                                  31,962       31,962
                    Reversal during the year (Note 27(ii))                                          (925)        (925)
                    Paid during the year (Note 27(ii))                                              (314)       (314)

                    At 31 December                                                                30,723      30,723

                (ii)   Takaful claims
                    At 1 January                                                                  16,240      16,240
                    Addition during the year (Note 44)                                             4,023        4,023
                    Paid during the year                                                             (70)         (70)
                    At 31 December                                                                20,193      20,193

                (iii)  Expenses liabilities
                    At 1 January                                                                    661          661
                    Addition during the year                                                        124          124

                    At 31 December                                                                  785          785

                                                                                                  51,701      51,701
   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168