Page 160 - EXIM_AR2021
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          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          19.   Other Payables anD accrUals

                                                                             Group                    Bank
                                                                        2021         2020        2021         2020
                                                                      RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

               Sinking fund and debt services reserve accounts         64,253       86,116      64,253       86,116
               Interest payable                                        39,586       50,720      39,586       50,720
               Amount due to the Government of Malaysia for
                MKFF scheme                                                 -        2,264           -        2,264
               Amount due to Teraju*                                   53,214       52,712      53,214       52,712
               RCCPS dividend payables                                 59,241       42,877      59,241       42,877
               Others                                                  46,589       50,830      46,606       50,844
                                                                      262,883      285,519     262,900      285,533

               *  This fund represents  advances received from Teraju as  collateral for loan to be disbursed to Bumiputera Exporters.
                Withdrawal of the fund is upon the borrower turning impaired up to a maximum of RM5,000,000 per borrower.

          20.   PrOvisiOn fOr cOmmitments anD cOntingencies

                                                                                                  Group and Bank
                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

               Provision for commitments and contingencies                                      64,876       83,605

               Movements in the provisions for commitments and contingencies are as follows:
                                                                                   Stage 2     Stage 3
                                                                      Stage 1   Lifetime ECL    Lifetime
                                                                    12-months     not credit    ECL credit
                                                                         ECL      impaired    impaired    Total ECL
                                                                      RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

               At 1 January 2020                                       31,170        5,948      44,235       81,353
               Changes due to changes in credit risk (Note 33)          (6,889)      8,675         407        2,193
               Allowance/(written back) during the year (Note 33)        (349)       9,192       (8,203)       640
               Exchange differences                                         -           -          (581)       (581)

               At 31 December 2020/1 January 2021                      23,932       23,815       35,858      83,605
               Transferred to Stage 2 (Note 33)                          (141)        141            -            -
               Transferred to Stage 3 (Note 33)                             -         (436)        436            -
               Financial assets derecognised                           (12,677)     (1,080)          -      (13,757)
               Changes due to changes in credit risk (Note 33)          9,801        (4,545)         -        5,256
               Modification to contractual cash flows of
                financial assets (Note 33)                                 (4)        (205)          -        (209)
               (Written back)/allowance during the year (Note 33)       (3,484)      1,548       (9,108)    (11,044)
               Exchange differences                                         -           -        1,025        1,025
               At 31 December 2021                                     17,427       19,238      28,211       64,876
   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165