Page 155 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 155


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            17.  bOrrOwings (cOnt’D.)

                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                (ii)   Medium Term Notes/Sukuk
                    Repayable within one year                                                   1,304,202    2,178,170
                    One year to three years                                                      764,875    2,032,415
                    Three years to five years                                                   1,534,690     80,235
                    Over five years                                                              436,185     456,251

                                                                                                4,039,952    4,747,071
                (iii)  Syndication financing
                    One year to three years                                                     1,242,221          -
                    Three years to five years                                                         -     1,194,781
                                                                                                1,242,221    1,194,781

                                                                                                5,781,695    6,591,282

                Repayment based on the currencies of the borrowings are as follows:
                                                               Carrying    Within 1      1 - 3       3 - 5    Over 5
                                                                amount        year      years       years      years
                                                                RM’000     RM’000      RM’000     RM’000     RM’000

                - USD                                          4,629,572  1,133,371  1,525,326   1,534,690   436,185
                - RM                                               357           -          -        357           -
                - EUR                                           315,815    315,815          -          -           -
                - GBP                                           281,545    281,545          -          -           -
                - AUD                                            72,636     72,636          -          -           -
                - HKD                                           481,770          -     481,770         -           -
                                                               5,781,695  1,803,367  2,007,096   1,535,047   436,185

                - USD                                          5,357,121  2,256,501  2,564,134     80,235    456,251
                - RM                                             36,328     35,928          -        400           -
                - EUR                                           359,135    161,581     197,554         -           -
                - GBP                                           274,520    274,520          -          -           -
                - AUD                                            83,606     83,606          -          -           -
                - HKD                                           480,572          -     480,572         -           -
                                                               6,591,282  2,812,136  3,242,260     80,635    456,251
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160