Page 152 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 152


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

                      Total  RM’000  122,054  8,931  -  (284)  (6,786)  123,915  54,491  3,043  (15)  57,519  66,396

                    Work-in-  progress   RM’000   6,774    6,220    (3,210)     -   (6,562)     3,222    -     -    -     -     3,222

                                       1,455    3,102     (284)   (18)    861   (14)         3,760
                      Computers   RM’000   15,281         19,536      14,929      15,776

               Furniture,  electrical,  fittings and   equipment   RM’000   5,813   305   -     -   (1)    6,117    5,470   349    (1)    5,818    299

                    Motor   vehicles   RM’000  595   -    -    -   -    595    546    43    -   589     6

                  Renovation  and   improvements   RM’000  29,005    880    108     -    (205)     29,788    24,532     1,065    -   25,597     4,191

                    Office   equipment   RM’000  1,586    71    -     -   -    1,657   1,424    65   -    1,489    168

                      Building   land   RM’000  33,000    30,000     -   -    -    -   33,000    7,590     -    -    -   8,250    -    24,750    30,000
                                       -     -     -    -                660     -

           PrOPerty anD eqUiPment  Freehold   RM’000  Group and Bank  At 1 January 2021    Transfer from    progress    intangible assets    At 31 December    30,000   Accumulated   depreciation  At 1 January 2021   Charged for the    At 31 December    Carrying amount  At 31 December

           15.                  Cost  Additions   work-in   Transfer to    Disposals   2021    year    Disposals    2021    2021
   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157