Page 150 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 150


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          11.   DeferreD tax (liabilities)/assets (cOnt’D.)

               At the reporting date, the Group and the Bank have not recognised deferred tax assets for the following items:
                                                                             Group                    Bank
                                                                        2021         2020        2021         2020
                                                                      RM’000       RM’000      RM’000       RM’000

               Unutilised business losses                            1,107,512    1,236,742    1,107,512    1,236,742
               Other deductible temporary differences                 447,106      374,854     447,106      374,854

                                                                     1,554,618    1,611,596    1,554,618    1,611,596
               Tax rate                                                  24%          24%          24%        24%

                                                                      373,108      386,783     373,108      386,783

               The  unutilised  tax  losses  above  are  available  for  offset against future  taxable  profits  at  the  Group  and the Bank.
               The unabsorbed business tax losses will only be allowed to be carried forward consecutively seven years effective from the Year
               of Assessment 2019.
               The deductible temporary differences do not expire under current tax legislation unless there is a substantial change in
               shareholders (more than 50%).

          12.   investment in sUbsiDiaries anD jOintly cOntrOlleD entity

               (a)   Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                 2021         2020
                                                                                               RM’000       RM’000

                  Unquoted shares - at cost                                                     73,419       73,419
                  Less: Allowance for impairment                                                 (9,290)     (9,290)
                                                                                                64,129       64,129

                  The subsidiaries are as follows:
                                                         Principal         Country of        Effective ownership
                  Name of company                        activities       incorporation          interest (%)
                                                                                              2021         2020
                  Malaysia Export Credit Insurance Berhad  Dormant          Malaysia           100         100

                  EXIM Sukuk Malaysia Berhad          Special Purpose       Malaysia           100         100
                                                        Vehicle for
                                                      Sukuk issuance
                  Malaysia Export Credit Insurance Berhad, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank was formerly engaged in the provision
                  of export and domestic credit insurance facilities and guarantees. The Company is currently dormant.
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