Page 159 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 159


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            17.  bOrrOwings (cOnt’D.)

                Borrowings of the Group and the Bank comprise the followings: (cont’d.)
                Multi-currency Sukuk Programme
                In September 2013, the Bank launched its USD1.0 billion unsecured multicurrency Sukuk programme through Special Purpose
                Vehicle (“SPV”) company. Under the programme, the Bank may from time to time issue notes in series or tranches, which may
                be denominated in USD or any other currency deemed appropriate at the time. Each series or tranche of notes may be issued
                in various amounts and tenures, and may bear fixed or floating of interest.
                The Bank established a SPV entity, EXIM Sukuk Malaysia Berhad, to issue the abovementioned Multi-currency Sukuk
                Programme. Correspondingly, the borrowings from Sukuk are transacted with the SPV at the Bank level. At the Group level,
                the borrowings from Sukuk are transacted with third parties who subscribed to and invested in the Sukuk.
                Issuances made as at year end are as follows:

                Date of issuance    Nominal value                       Tenure     Coupon rate          Fixed/Floating

                6 May 2015          USD20 mil (equivalent to RM83.3 mil)   10 years    3.350%           Fixed
                28 January 2016*    USD37.3 mil (equivalent to RM155 mil)   5 years    3.010%           Fixed
                4 May 2017          USD45 mil (equivalent to RM187 mil)   5 years    3.00%              Fixed
                * The Sukuk of USD37.3 million has matured on 28 January 2021.

            18.  lease liabilities
                                                                                                    Group and Bank
                                                                                                   2021         2020
                                                                                                 RM’000      RM’000

                Repayable within one year                                                          1,294         123
                One year to three years                                                            3,381         127
                Three years to five years                                                           415            -
                                                                                                   5,090         250
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164