Page 194 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 194


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          42.   financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)

               Credit risk exposure (cont’d.)
                Maximum exposure to credit risk without taking into account of any collateral and other credit enhancements: (cont’d.)
                                                                                  exposure to    Collateral    Net
               Group and Bank                                                      credit risk    value    exposures
                                                                                     RM’000     RM’000      RM’000


               Credit exposure for on-balance sheet assets:
               Cash and bank balances                                                 122,399         -     122,399
               Deposits and placements with banks and other financial institutions       3,364,099    -    3,364,099
               Financial investments                                                1,165,551         -    1,165,551
               Loans, advances and financing                                        3,679,083    2,560,461    1,118,622
               Insurance receivables                                                    746           -        746
               Net derivative financial instruments                                  141,749          -     141,749
               Other assets excluding tax prepayment                                  80,718          -      80,718
                                                                                    8,554,345    2,560,461    5,993,884

               Credit exposure for off-balance sheet assets:
               Banking operations commitments                                       2,275,832         -    2,275,832
               Insurance operations commitments
                 Short term                                                          454,725          -     454,725
                 Medium/Long term                                                    366,635          -     366,635

                                                                                    3,097,192         -   3,097,192

                                                                                   11,651,537    2,560,461    9,091,076

               Collateral and credit enhancement
               Collateral represents the asset pledged by a customer and/or a third party on behalf of the customer, in whole or in part, to
               secure a credit exposure and/or potential credit exposure with the Group and the Bank, and subject to seizure in the event of
               default. Collateral provides the Group and the Bank with a secondary source of repayment, i.e. a source of fund to help recover
               its investment should the customer be unable to repay the facility obtained from the Group and the Bank.
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