Page 190 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 190


          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          42.   financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)

               Liquidity risk management (cont’d.)
               The following tables show the contractual undiscounted cash flow payable for non-derivatives financial liabilities. The financial
               liabilities in the tables below do not agree to the balances in the statement of financial position as the tables incorporate all
               contractual cash flows, on an undiscounted basis, relating to both principal and interest payments. The maturity profile does
               not necessarily reflect behavioural cash flows.
                                                       On    Less than    3 to 12      1 to 5    Over 5
               Group and Bank                      demand    3 months     months       years      years       Total
                                                   RM’000     RM’000      RM’000     RM’000     RM’000      RM’000

               Derivative financial instruments         -           -          -        999           -        999

               Non-derivative financial liabilities
               Borrowings                                -    499,165    1,304,202    3,542,143    436,185    5,781,695
               Other liabilities                   405,591          -          -           -          -     405,591

               Total financial liabilities         405,591    499,165    1,304,202    3,542,143    436,185    6,187,286
               Commitments and contingencies

               Banking operation commitments
               Contracted but not provided for:
                 Guarantee facility                130,289          -          -          -           -     130,289
                 Letter of credit                   10,679          -           -          -          -      10,679
                 Undrawn loans and financing       489,018     35,000     274,980    248,587     70,302    1,117,887
                                                   629,986     35,000     274,980    248,587     70,302    1,258,855

               Insurance operation commitments
               Contracted but not provided for:
                 Within one year                        -           -     319,069          -          -     319,069
                 One year or later and
                  no later than five years              -           -           -    277,767          -     277,767
                                                        -           -     319,069    277,767          -     596,836

               Total commitments and
                contingencies                      629,986     35,000     594,049    526,354     70,302    1,855,691
   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195