Page 191 - EXIM_AR2021
P. 191


            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            42.   financial risk management POlicies (cOnt’D.)

                Liquidity risk management (cont’d.)
                                                         On    Less than    3 to 12     1 to 5     Over 5
                Group and Bank                      demand     3 months    months       years       years      Total
                                                     RM’000     RM’000     RM’000      RM’000     RM’000     RM’000

                Derivative financial instruments          -           -          -           -         -           -
                Non-derivative financial liabilities
                Borrowings                                 -    751,207    2,114,612    3,426,350    603,452    6,895,621
                Other liabilities                    445,052         -           -           -         -     445,052
                Total financial liabilities          445,052    751,207    2,114,612    3,426,350    603,452    7,340,673

                Commitments and contingencies
                Banking operation commitments
                Contracted but not provided for:
                  Guarantee facility                 124,039         -           -           -         -     124,039
                  Letter of credit                     3,281         -           -          -          -       3,281
                  Undrawn loans and financing             -     612,020    1,163,470    264,584    108,438    2,148,512
                                                     127,320    612,020    1,163,470    264,584    108,438    2,275,832

                Insurance operation commitments
                Contracted but not provided for:
                  Within one year                         -          -     454,725          -          -     454,725
                  One year or later and
                    no later than five years              -           -          -     366,635          -    366,635
                                                          -           -    454,725     366,635          -     821,360

                Total commitments and
                  contingencies                      127,320    612,020    1,618,195    631,219    108,438    3,097,192
   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196