Page 171 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 171

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        169

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            31.  overheAD eXPeNses (cont’d.)
                 (iv)  General administrative expenses

                                                                                                     Group and Bank
                                                                                                    2022        2021
                                                                                                  rM’000      rM’000
                    Administrative expenses                                                        1,473        1,382
                    Auditors’ remuneration
                      - statutory audit                                                              468         433
                      - regulatory related services                                                    3           3
                      - other services                                                                89         109
                    Asset written off                                                              1,758        4,462
                    Overprovision of assets written off                                            (2,451)         -
                    General expenses                                                              11,037        7,429
                    Non-Executive directors remuneration (Note 32)                                 1,174        1,024
                    Professional fees                                                              3,239        4,804
                    Others                                                                           940         784
                                                                                                  17,730       20,430

            32.   DIreCtors’ Fees AND reMuNerAtIoN
                                                                           salary       Fees    emoluments      total
                                                                          rM’000     rM’000        rM’000     rM’000
                 Group and Bank
                 Non-Executive Directors (Note 31):
                   Dato’ Azman Mahmud                                          -        192            36         228
                   Dato’ Dr. Amiruddin bin Muhamed                             -         142            -         142
                   Datuk Bahria binti Mohd Tamil                                -       172             -        172
                   Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad Syed Abdul Kadir                     -        208             -         208
                   Dato’ Wong Lee Yun                                          -        153             -        153
                   Wong Yoke Nyen                                               -        97             -         97
                   Pauline Teh Abdullah                                        -        175             -        175

                                                                               -       1,139           36       1,175

                 Shariah Committee Members (Note 31):
                   Prof. Datin Dr. Rusni Hassan                                -         84              -        84
                   Dr. Safinar Salleh                                          -         54              -        54
                   Dr. Ghazali Jaapar                                           -        56              -         56
                   Dr. Muhammad Syahmi Mohd Karim                               -        56              -         56
                   Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz                          -         31            -          31
                                                                               -        281             -        281

                 Total Directors’ remuneration
                   (excluding benefits in-kind)                                -       1,420           36       1,456
   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176