Page 217 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 217

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        215

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            46.   ISLaMIC BUSINESS FUNDS
                 Statements of financial position as at 31 December 2022
                 Group and Bank
                                                                 2022                              2021
                                                      Islamic                           Islamic
                                                     business    takaful               business    takaful
                                                        fund       fund       total       fund       fund       total
                                            Note      rM’000     rM’000     rM’000      rM’000     rM’000     rM’000

                 Cash and bank balances      (a)       4,977        785       5,762      5,647        776       6,423
                 Deposits and placements with
                   banks and other financial
                   institutions              (b)    1,387,754    17,707    1,405,461    858,705    16,190     874,895
                 Financial investments at fair
                   value through profit or loss    (c)    9,979        -      9,979          -           -          -
                 Financial investments at fair
                   value through other
                   comprehensive income      (d)     267,195          -     267,195    613,625           -    613,625
                 Financial investments at
                   amortised cost             (e)     77,715           -     77,715    193,561           -    193,561
                 Islamic financing            (f)    1,285,069        -    1,285,069    1,624,873        -    1,624,873
                 Other receivables                     2,367      5,023       7,390      5,090      8,595      13,685
                 total assets                      3,035,056     23,515    3,058,571    3,301,501    25,561   3,327,062

                 Financing payable           (g)    1,788,335          -    1,788,335    1,912,898       -    1,912,898
                 Deferred income                       3,059      5,729       8,788      3,085       8,575     11,660
                 Provision for commitments and
                   contingencies             (p)      17,098           -     17,098     31,736           -     31,736
                 Provision for claim         (24(ii))      -     14,975      14,975          -     15,448      15,448
                 Provision for expenses liability        596           -        596        599           -       599
                 Contribution payable                      -        159         159          -        234         234
                 Other liabilities            (o)    560,231       2,652    562,883    653,196       1,304    654,500
                 total liabilities                 2,369,319     23,515    2,392,834    2,601,514    25,561    2,627,075
                 Financed by:
                 Islamic banking fund                800,000          -     800,000    800,000           -    800,000
                 Reserves                            (21,299)          -     (21,299)    (11,280)        -    (11,280)
                 Accumulated losses                  (108,096)         -    (108,096)    (80,143)        -    (80,143)
                 Takaful participants fund    (k)     (4,868)          -      (4,868)    (8,590)         -     (8,590)

                 total Islamic business fund
                   and takaful fund                  665,737          -     665,737    699,987          -     699,987

                 total liabilities, Islamic
                   business fund, and takaful
                   participants fund               3,035,056     23,515    3,058,571    3,301,501    25,561   3,327,062
                 Commitments and
                   contingencies              (l)    444,920    510,477     955,397    820,244    493,999    1,314,243
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