Page 218 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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216   eXIM BANK MALAYsIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

          46.   ISLaMIC BUSINESS FUNDS (cont’d.)
              Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2022
              Group and Bank
                                                              2022                               2021
                                                   Islamic                            Islamic
                                                  business    takaful               business    takaful
                                                     fund       fund       total       fund       fund       total
                                          Note     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000      rM’000     rM’000     rM’000
              Income derived from Islamic
                banking fund               (h)    125,769           -    125,769    148,793          -     148,793
              Financing cost                       (52,277)        -      (52,277)    (29,538)        -    (29,538)
              Net income from Islamic
                banking fund                       73,492           -     73,492    119,255           -    119,255
              Gross contribution                        -      1,695       1,695          -      2,026       2,026
              Wakalah fee                             907       (907)          -         (58)       58           -
              Reinsurance outward                       -        (59)        (59)         -         (33)       (33)
              Decrease/(Increase) in
                contribution liability                  -      2,927       2,927          -      (3,474)    (3,474)
              Decrease in claim liability
                (Note 24)                               -         23         23           -      4,226       4,226
              Decrease in expenses liability
                (Note 24)                               3           -         3         186           -       186
              Takaful fees and brokerage
                commission                             94           -        94         125          -        125
              Income from Takaful activities        1,004       3,679      4,683        253      2,803       3,056

              Islamic banking fund and
                Takaful fund results                74,496      3,679     78,175     119,508      2,803    122,311
              Other expenses                (i)    (24,886)         -    (24,886)    (16,310)         -    (16,310)
              Net Income from Islamic business      49,610     3,679      53,289     103,198      2,803    106,001
              Administrative expenses                (934)          -       (934)       (815)        -        (815)
              Reversal on doubtful debt                 -         43         43           -         90          90
              Writeback/(Allowances) for
                expected credit losses (“ECL”)
                on advances and financing    (j)    34,440         -      34,440     (14,668)        -     (14,668)
              Writeback for ECL on
                commitments and contingencies      14,947          -      14,947       8,165          -      8,165
              Allowances for ECL on financial
                investments                       (126,016)        -     (126,016)    (3,142)         -     (3,142)

              (Loss)/Profit for the year
                before zakat                       (27,953)    3,722     (24,231)    92,738       2,893     95,631
              Zakat                                     -          -           -          -          -           -
              Net (loss)/profit for the year       (27,953)     3,722    (24,231)    92,738      2,893      95,631
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