Page 215 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
P. 215

                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        213

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

            45.   INSURaNCE RISkS (cont’d.)
                 Claim liability sensitivity analysis (cont’d.)

                 d.   Change in PRaD %
                    Assumed a claim Provision of Risk Margin for Adverse Deviation (“PRAD”) of 25%. Changing this by 10% (to 27.5% and
                    22.5% respectively) gives the following result:

                                                                                2022                     2021
                                                                                Net                      Net
                                                                         rM’000      rM’000       rM’000      rM’000
                                                                           high         Low          high        Low
                                                                          +10%         -10%        +10%         -10%
                    Estimated claim liabilities                          39,093       37,560      43,911       42,189

                                                                                                    2022        2021
                                                                                                     Net          Net
                                                                                                  rM’000      rM’000
                    Estimated premium                                                              8,601       12,061

                 Premium/contribution liability sensitivity analysis

                 a.  Change in probability of default
                    Management has assumed 1-year probability of default of ranging from 0.5% to 5% for short-term contracts, depending
                    on the type of contract. For the medium long term (“MLT”) policies, all 1-year probabilities were assumed to have a B
                    rating which equated to a 3.2% 1-year probability of default. Changing this rating assumption to B- rating (less trustworthy
                    - for the “High” Scenario) and B+- rating (more trustworthy - for the “Low” Scenario) gives the following result:

                                                                                2022                     2021
                                                                                Net                      Net
                                                                           high         Low         high         Low
                                                                        B- rating    B+ rating    B- rating    BBB- rating
                                                                          points       points      points      points
                    Estimated premium/contribution                       12,880        7,363      18,580       10,233

                 b.   Change in recovery rates
                    On the premium liability front, some of the MLT policies have reinsurance cover. For the “High” Scenario, management
                    has reduce all of these by 10%. For the “Low” scenario management has increase them by 10%.

                                                                                2022                     2021
                                                                                Net                      Net
                                                                           high         Low         high         Low
                                                                        B- rating    B+ rating    B- rating    BBB- rating
                                                                          points       points      points      points
                    Estimated premium liabilities/contribution           10,532        6,670      14,700        9,422
   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220