Page 243 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD          GROWTH        SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        241

            Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts

                            total  rM’000  36,639  4,769  119,508  -    4,533  165,449  (83,844)  81,605  (47,107)  -    19,754  (3,145)   -  51,107  -     51,107

                    2021  Business segments  Insurance   and   support   takaful    rM’000  rM’000   -     -    -    4,769   253    14,293     -    14,293     5,022    ( 63,410)     (1,534)    (49,117)    3,488    -     -    -   (3,145)   -    -   -    (52,262)     3,488

                             Banking    rM’000  36,639    -     119,255     (9,760)   146,134    (18,900)   127,234    (47,107)     19,754     -    -    99,881
                  Group and Bank     total    rM’000  87,336     5,729   74,496    (53,907)   113,654    (79,664)   33,990     5,155    20,426   (126,025)    (23)    (66,477)     -    (66,477)

                             support    rM’000  -    -    -     (61)   (61)    (66,078)     (66,139)     -    -     (126,025)     -   (192,164)
                      Business segments

                    2022  Insurance   and    takaful    rM’000  -    5,729    1,004    -   6,733    (1,603)    5,130    -    -   -    -    5,130

                             Banking    rM’000  87,336     -     73,492     (53,846)   106,982    (11,983)    94,999    5,155   20,426   -     (23)   120,557
              SEGMENT INFORMaTION (cont’d.)  Net interest income    Underwriting results   Income from Islamic    Other (losses)/income   Net income/(loss)    Overhead expenses    Operating profit/(loss)   Writeback/(Allowances) for   ECL on loans, advances    and financing    Writeback for ECL on   commitment and    contingencies    Allowances for ECL on    financial investments    Allowances for ECL on    other assets   Net (loss)/profit for the    year - Group and Bank

              47.                        business                                       Taxation
   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246