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          46    EXIM BANK MALAYSIA                                                                 ANNUAL REPORT 2022                         TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH        SuSTAINABILITY   GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        47

            OUR CORPORATE



          As Corporate Social Responsibility is part and parcel of EXIM’s way of life, we have carried out many activities
          over the years. Be it cleaning a river, helping wildlife, recycling fabrics and plastic bottles, giving light and water
          for underserved communities right down to planting trees to help achieve the Government’s 100 million trees
          by 2025 target – these are only the tip of the iceberg of the CSR initiatives that we have embarked on from
          2013 till today. We take you down memory lane as we reminisce some of these memorable efforts under the
          pillars of Environment and Community, which we carried out.

         PROgRAMME                 PROgRAMME               OF THE YEAR AWARD          MACAW BIRDS
         EXIM Bank organised an    This programme was done   The Bank received the    The Bank became a Corporate
         environmental themed      to clean up the Kroh River at   award from CSR Malaysia in   Sponsor of Zoo Negara Malaysia
         “EcoBakau” programme,     the Forest Research Institute   acknowledgement of its efforts   when it sponsored a pair of
         which is an enriching earth   of Malaysia (FRIM) with more   in championing corporate   performing South American Macaw
         activity where 300 mangrove   than 50 EXIM staff and their   social responsibility initiatives.  birds.
         saplings were planted along   family members. This is so
         the Kuala Selangor Nature   the river can flow smoothly
         Park, in addition to cleaning   through urban areas to   2016
         up the swamps to preserve   mangroves, before finally    JUNE                2016 - 2021
         Mother Nature.            reaching to the sea.

              2013                     2015
          NOVEMBER                     JUNE

                                              2015                   2016                       2017
                                           ALL YEAR                AuguST                     AuguST

                                                                                            JUMBO PROJECT
                                                                                            Elephant conservation has
                                                                                            been a cause close to our
                                                                                            hearts here at EXIM and
                BEACH CLEAN-UP ACTIVITY   TOTAL gREEN LIVINg     CAMBODIA! HERE WE          our effort toward the gentle
                More than 90 EXIMers and   This ongoing          COME!                      creatures started then with
                                                                                            a prosthetic leg fitted for
                their families rolled up their   environmental campaign   Help goes cross-border as   Selendang – an elephant that
                sleeves and cleared the   and initiative saw the   Kampung Cham community in   lost its leg in a poacher’s wire
                beach front of Bagan Lalang,   refurbishment of the Bank   Cambodia needed assistance in   snares.
                Selangor, picking up a total   to include LED lightings in   upgrading the village facilities
                of 318.7kg of waste within an   the building, and also the   and enhancing their quality of
                hour. The mission of the day   use of recycled paper to   life. A total of nine wells, three
                was to remove waste debris   produce various collaterals.  solar panels, two houses and
                from the beach as a collective                   other facilities were built by
                responsibility of each and                       EXIM Bank.
                every single person.
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