Page 43 - EXIM-Bank_Annual-Report-2022
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                 TO SERVE        TO LEAD         GROWTH         SUSTAINABILITY  GOVERNANCE       STATEMENTS        41

            The  Bank  also  provides  export  of  services  facilities   As  the  imported  goods  are  unavailable  in  the  country  of  import,
            to facilitate Malaysian companies in exporting their   such  financing  has  the  ability  to  enhance  the  competitiveness  of
            professional  services  overseas,  which  are  typically   the  products  imported.  The  Bank  also  offers  financing  to  Malaysian
            in the form of consultancy in areas like information   manufacturers  that  are  involved  or  support  export-related  industries
            technology,  engineering,  architecture  and  design     in selected vendor programmes developed by the Government or its
            and other technical services.                  agencies by financing the working capital needs of such manufacturers
                                                           for the post delivery of goods or services supplied to their customers.
            Import financing facilities assist Malaysian companies
            with  the  import  of  strategic  goods  and  services,   As  at  31  December  2022,  the  Bank’s  total  loans  outstanding  relating
            which  are  unavailable  in  Malaysia,  to  promote  the   to  trade  finance  (including  both  conventional  and  Islamic  facilities)
            socioeconomic development of Malaysia.         amounted to RM0.45 billion.
            As at 31 December 2022, the Bank’s total loans   Guarantees
            outstanding  relating  to  term  financing  (including
            both conventional and Islamic banking facilities)   Guarantees  are  made  available  by  the  Bank  to  facilitate  the  issuance
            amounted to RM0.80 billion.                    of  advance  payment  bonds,  performance  bonds  and  standby  letters
                                                           of  credit,  required  by  overseas  contracts,  undertaken  by  Malaysian
             Trade finance                                 contractors. Such guarantees may also be offered to Malaysian investors
                                                           seeking to raise funds overseas.
            The Bank makes available various facilities in support
            of  cross-border  trade.  Malaysian  manufacturers,   The  Bank  facilitates  the  import  of  strategic  goods  that  will  enhance
            exporters and suppliers of Malaysian goods can also     the  manufacturing  capability  of  Malaysian  companies,  or  which  are
            take advantage of the trade finance facilities to boost   unavailable  in  Malaysia,  through  the  issuance  of  letters  of  credit.
            their  exports  into  international  markets  through   The  Bank  also  offers  forward  foreign  exchange  facilities  that  allow
            working capital financing under the supplier credit or   customers to hedge against adverse fluctuations in the exchange rate.
            financing facilities. Such facilities offer pre-shipment
            financing  as  working  capital  for  the  production  of   As  at 31 December  2022, the  Bank’s total  guarantees outstanding
            goods prior to shipment and post-shipment financing   amounted to RM83.00 million.
            as  working  capital  after  the  shipment  of  goods,
            pending the receipt of proceeds for the exported   TRADE CREDIT TAKAFuL/INSuRANCE FACILITIES
                                                           The  Bank  offers  Islamic  takaful  facilities  for  short-term  trade  credit
            The Bank also makes available competitively priced   insurance and medium- to long-term trade credit.
            short-term trade finance facilities to direct exporters
            and indirect exporters to promote the export of   Short-term trade credit takaful/insurance facilities
            manufactured  products,  agricultural  products  and
            primary  commodities  under  the  Export  Credit   Short-term  trade  credit  takaful  covers  export,  domestic  and  import
            Refinancing (ECR) scheme. ECR is categorised under   trade transactions with a policy term of less than one year. The facilities
            pre-shipment and post-shipment. Pre-shipment ECR   provide  “umbrella”  cover  for  exporters/importers  who  make  regular
            is an advance to facilitate the production of goods   exports to overseas importers and imports to domestic buyers on
            prior to shipment and to encourage the development   credit for up to 180 days. The facilities also provide cover for exports
            of a network of economic inter-dependence between   directly  from  third  country  suppliers  to  their  destination  overseas,
            exporters  and  Malaysian  suppliers  in  industrial   without  passing  through  Malaysia.  As  part  of  the  type  of  takaful
            development.  Post-shipment  ECR  is  an  advance   facilities available to cover short-term commercial credit risk, the Bank
            to  exporters  to  finance  the  export  of  goods  after   also  provides  Shariah-compliant  bankers  trade  credit  takaful  facilities
            shipment,  pending  the  receipt  of  proceeds  for  the   to  protect  financial  institutions  against  the  risk  of  non-payment  by
            exported goods.                                exporters arising from the default by their customers overseas.
            Furthermore,   the   Bank   provides   short-term   The  Bank  provides  bank  letter  of  credit  takaful  policies  covering
            trust  receipt  financing  to  importers  to  bridge   Malaysian banks against the risk of non-payment of irrevocable letters
            their  working  capital  requirements  through  the   of  credit  issued  by  overseas  banks  in  respect  of  Malaysian  exports.
            extension  of  credit  under  documentary  credit   Year to date 2022, Bank’s total exposure under short-term trade credit
            transactions  until  the  receipt  of  sales  proceeds.   insurance/takaful amounted to RM10.12 billion.
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